Help with modeling
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
1633.13 In reply to 1633.12 
Heres my quick bit of fun at the exercise. Hope it is of some value.

EDITED: 31 Dec 2008 by BWTR

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 From:  nycL45
1633.14 In reply to 1633.13 
And here is my crack at the truck. That was much fun and an easy introduction to most of the tools. Now, I need workflow advice on making more elaborate forms and recessed shapes and surfaces.

A couple of problems I had: 1) I drew a spline using polyline, line and arc, joined them and extruded but could not "skin" the major faces despite checking Caps, trying Planar and rebooting. 2) I was not able to group objects such as the ladder parts or the wheel, cap and axle.

Oops! I just noticed that one of the end surfaces got deleted somewhere along the line.

Added material via VrayForCinema4D.

EDITED: 2 Jun 2008 by NYCL45

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 From:  PaQ
Hey that's a great model to start with :)

I'll give a try ... is it me or it seems that the wheels are actually blended into the 'body' ?
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 From:  keith1961 (KEITH)
Hi Everybody
I haven't posted here for a while but noticed you all making a truck. Heres my effort. In terms of problems the only real one I had was with the dowels holding up the ladder. I set the fillet number too high and it caused some sort of error when I converted it to an .obj to import into Carrara for rendering. My fault not Moi's I think as I was rushing and didn't check the model for errors.

1. How it looked in Moi with fillet radius set at 0.4

2. How it looked when converted to .obj

3. How it looked on import to Carrara

4. Final render with fillet radius set to 0.35



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 From:  Michael Gibson
1633.17 In reply to 1633.14 
Hi nycL45, you wrote:

> 1) I drew a spline using polyline, line and arc, joined them and extruded but could
> not "skin" the major faces despite checking Caps, trying Planar and rebooting.

This would usually mean that those different curves were not quite touching each other end-to-end. If you could post a .3dm model file with those curves in it, I could take a look and see if that was the problem or if it was a bug.

- Michael
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 From:  Edwin (EDWINTSI)
1633.18 In reply to 1633.17 
Okay, i gave it a try.
I had to do it quite fast because i promised the wife i would do some things around the house, so i cheated with the wood material and painted the car brown instead of texturing it :-)

As a final touch, God created the Dutch
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 From:  Daniele (BADANS)
Here's my truck!
Rendered with Vray4Cinema4D.
Thanks 4 viewing...I'm eagerly waiting 4 the next challenges, fun and learning!

"The darker the night, the closer the dawn."
(Buddhist Proverb)


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 From:  PaQ
Here's an other version, funny to see all there little moi's truck :)

EDITED: 28 Nov 2013 by PAQ

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 From:  PaQ
And here's a little rendering, uv's were better than I expected, I didn't change anything o)

EDITED: 3 Feb 2010 by PAQ

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Google Sktechup few polys (so cubic wheels :)
render Podium

EDITED: 2 Jun 2008 by PILOU


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 From:  nycL45
1633.23 In reply to 1633.17 
Hi Michael,

My bad. I spoke too soon; a redo just now worked fine. It was not knowing when to use the Object Snap. I do now.

Your moi3D is a nifty app and I very much look forward to using it.

Thanks for the response.

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 From:  keith1961 (KEITH)
Hi all
Its interesting to see the difference in the renders. The Cinema 4d one looks almost real. I rather liked my Carrara render even though It looks like its all carved from one big log. Are you others using texture maps? Is Cinema 4d much better than Carrara is it just that I'm not doing a very good job of rendering.

Michael I hope you don't mind me using your Moi forum to talk about rendering.
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 From:  Daniele (BADANS)
1633.25 In reply to 1633.24 
>> Is Cinema 4d much better than Carrara is it just that I'm not doing a very good job of rendering.

Well, I can only speak for C4D, not knowing the full potential of the Carrara Render Engine.
Cinema has a solid and quick native engine, capable of excellent results, but what gives it a real boost is the recent implementation of Vray, which, IMHO, is the renderer that gets closest to an unbiased result in a fraction of the time needed with Fryrender, Maxwell or even Indigo.

"The darker the night, the closer the dawn."
(Buddhist Proverb)

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
1633.26 In reply to 1633.25 
My first render in Carrara was about as simple as one could ever try . I mean LAZY!
I thought neither the object, or the (non) background placement, deserved the time and effort for critical texturing or lighting.

Comparing renders, unless that aspect was indicated as an end result criteria, is not applicable in this exercise I suggest?
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 From:  keith1961 (KEITH)
1633.27 In reply to 1633.26 
Hi Brian
Comparing renders isn't necessary but I am interested. I only started 3d modelling as a hobby last summer and there is a huge amount to learn. I bought Carrara, Bryce and Hexagon but only now use Moi for modelling. I use Carrara for texturing and rendering. There seems to be such differences in the price and ease of use of 3d modelling software that it makes me curious about which is best. Its a subject that I have found it difficult to research as everybody has a different opinion. With Moi being so easy to use I sort of hope that someone will invent shading and rendering programmes that are as good. I like Carrara a lot but when I see the beautiful models made by others I am sometimes tempted to think that they have better tools. In reality I expect they are younger people who grew up with 3d modelling.
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
Hi Group, my attempt, but I thought I'd 'Pimp my Ride' slightly modified.

Michael is there an easier way to make 'text' follow a curve ?


EDITED: 3 Jun 2008 by DANTAS

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 From:  PaQ
1633.29 In reply to 1633.27 

Here's just an advice about some render engines I know.

If you've got the horse power, like a quad-core or better, unbiased render engines like fry or maxwell are interesting.

They are really easy to understand, more over if you know a little bit how photography works. Even the shaders are really simple to get,
probably not so easy to tweak because of the rendertime, but just with basic presets you can archive really incredible rendering.
Of course I'm only talking about stills image, as you need something like 5-20 hours of cooking for a final frame. (a simple image like the little truck
takes only 5-10 min don't worry :)).

Modo has also a really good engine, they are maybe 10 parameters to tweak in fact for the render itself, but the interface take some times to understand.
Same for the shading system which is not very usual (some kind of photoshop layers system).

Actually my favorite render tool when it's about productivity is still this good old fprime for lightwave. They are no surprises and you have a realtime feedback.
Forget hyper realism of course ... and you need to get lightwave workflow a little bit.
It seems that vray is coming with a realtime render too, curious to see it in action !

Of course it's just I personnal taste here =)
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 From:  Daniele (BADANS)
1633.30 In reply to 1633.28 
>>I thought I'd 'Pimp my Ride' slightly modified.

Hehe, I love your personal touch!

"The darker the night, the closer the dawn."
(Buddhist Proverb)

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 From:  keith1961 (KEITH)
I know its mad but I'm going to have a go at this:

I'll post back the result in about 6 months.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1633.32 In reply to 1633.24 
Hi Keith,

> Michael I hope you don't mind me using your Moi forum
> to talk about rendering.

Sure, it's totally fine, in fact I'd encourage it.

Certainly a lot of people want to render models after they are done constructing them. It is very much on topic to discuss what you want to do with the model data that you produce using MoI.

- Michael
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