Hi Steve, I think I've got the combination of on/onsrf with grid snap worked out now.
If you have grid snap enabled, doing an "on" snap on to a line that is aligned with the grid's x, y, or z axes will also get grid snap applied to it.
Similarly, if you do an "onsrf" snap on to a plane that is normal to one of those axes, grid snap will also be applied there. So for instance if you draw an axis-aligned box, you can grid snap on to points on the box's surfaces.
There are some additional settings (for now just in the moi.ini file) that will allow some control over some additional details:
[Drawing Aids]
The first setting (turned on by default), disables onsrf snap in ortho views when grid snap is enabled, except still allowing it on axis-aligned planes which snap to the same grid at that plane's elevation. This should generally allow regular grid snapping kind of behavior in ortho views, but still allow you to place an "onsrf" point on to a surface in the 3D view.
The second setting (off by default) will cause onsrf to be disabled entirely when grid snap is active.
Also the last setting doesn't have to do with grid snap, but instead only enables "on" or "onsrf" snaps on to selected objects only (and construction lines) instead of all objects. That may help you gain some additional control over that snap.
Also "on" and "onsrf" will not kick in if a straight-snap line is active, which is different than v1 for "on".
There are a still a couple of snapping areas that I am going to look in to like avoiding hidden-point snaps if hidden lines are turned off, but I think that the combination of grid snap + on snaps is worked out now.
- Michael