Hi Steve,
> But which surface? front/back/distant. As with current snaps for
> "On" the side/edge of a cube in a 2d view, sometimes the snap
> will be on the front line/edge, sometimes on the back.
It will be the surface that is being displayed at that point, so the one most to the front.
Again this is very straightforward - it snaps to the object that you can see that is under your mouse, there isn't much mystery about it.
You won't really be able to grab a surface that is being displayed edge-on with this snap, surfaces like that are generally not visible (their edge curves are because edges are drawn with a thickness).
When you run into that problem with "on", the solution is generally to switch to the 3D view so you can more easily target one particular edge with your mouse. This surface snap will be similar - if the surface you want to snap on to is edge-on to your current view, you will need to switch to some other view where you can clearly see it in order to snap on to it.
> As with snap "on" a curve, that over-rides the grid snap, will the
> surface snap do the same?
For curved surfaces yes - for planar surfaces I'm going to see if I can make grid snap work with them, but I'm not quite sure how that will work yet, the grid may be relative to a base point in the object rather than the world grid...
Another thing I was thinking of was possibly only enabling the onsurface snap in the 3D view and not in the ortho views at all. Then that would not interfere with grid snap there.
Maybe I can tweak things a bit to make grid snap co-exist better with both the regular "on" snap as well as the new one though, I have an idea on that.
> You have mentioned before that you dont want users to have to do that.
Not for general simple use. But if you have some particular workflow that it ends up causing a problem for, turning it on or off will certainly be a solution for that.
- Michael