> "It looks like an interesting project. The developer still seems to be tweaking
> the exporter, so there doesn't seem to be a link to the latst test cannon .obj.
> One thing I would suggest to the programmer is to use the .obj 'o' directive
> to define different object layers.
Right now I'm using the 'g' directive to differentiate between different objects.
I'm kind of uncertain whether it is better to use 'g' or 'o' for this... I may need to look at a couple of simple .obj files that contain multiple objects (like 2 cubes) from a few programs to see what is the most common method. But I guess I could put in both 'g' and 'o', that might be the safest...
The exporter is still in the process of being tweaked. I should be ready to release an early version within a couple of days.
Previous versions have had ngons that have some of their points bunched pretty close together, or even duplicated. It seems like this is an area that Modo is particularly sensitive about. Silo and C4D seem to do a better job of either handling or ignoring these. I am currently in the process of improving this though.
But there do seem to be some other problems in Modo as well - it seems as if problems with a particular polygon can then trigger problems with other more simple ones after it. There are a couple of messages way back in this thread where I examined a simple (I think 5-point) polygon that was messed up (along with other more complex ones) when trying to bring in the full mesh, but it was handled ok when it was brought in by itself.
The last test file that I posted had some progress on removing duplicate points, and modo seemed to handle this version a lot better, so I hope that with my final remaining tweaks that also improve point spacing, it should help out a lot too.
- Michael