> Few triangles here and there wont do any harm:-)
There are actually no triangles stored in the file. It looks like you're loading the .obj file into Rhino - you'll see triangles there because Rhino does not support n-sided faces in its polygon meshes, so it creates triangles for any polygons that have more than 4 sides when it reads in the .obj file.
If you read that .obj file into a modeling system that supports n-sided polygons (such as Silo, Cinema4D, etc...) you won't have any triangles at all.
You won't really see the full benefit of this new n-gon polygon export unless your target system has modern support for n-sided polygons.
But I guess that there will be some benefit even with only quad support, since there are quite a few simple quads created as well..
> Seems VERY GOOD but some of your vertices are not alined!
Yup, this is one of the areas I have left to work on. I expect to solve this. There is no actual geometric crack there though, the extra point is snapped on to the edge of the adjacent polygon, forming a so-called "T" junction.
- Michael