Design documentation
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 From:  andras
Sorry but I dont agree with Danny. because benefits of Nurbs technology is the accurate drawing. So we could take advantage of this accuracy. And especially this is capable for other real industries for example: in architecture, other mechanics, car industry etc.
I think it would be more important than others (entertainment; character modelling etc. opportunity ). There are many many subdivision software for other nonaccurate design opposite cad softwares where you dont find an complex , affordable and easy to use application (now I thought the architectural cad softwares, except vectorworks but it has some limitation in modelling and documentation).
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1611.9 In reply to 1611.1 
Hi Andras,

> But I would like to ask that do you plan the design documentation
> features in the fture? ie.: hatching (filling); measuring,
> description/documentation, line weighting; printing etc. as
> in other CAD software?

Yes, I do expect to have all this kind of stuff in MoI eventually.

However, it will probably be fairly basic versions of this stuff. Like for example you probably won't have the choice of 10 different arrowhead styles, like you might have in a program that was really focused on technical drafting.

The focus of this stuff in MoI will be more on general annotation and description, just as a way to help you communicate your design to other people in general, not really as a way to produce fully detailed manufacturing documentation.

Some things in this area will probably end up with a kind of more 2D illustration type flavor, like possibly a fill may be more like a fill in Adobe Illustrator rather than a "hatch".... But we'll see.

It will take a while before all this stuff gets added in, I would like to get to some of it in v2, but some things will probably spread out a bit longer than that.

> Are these feature deifficult task?

Yup, it's certainly a lot of work to get them all in. Taken all together that is a lot of features and needs a lot of UI to control it. Anything with a lot of UI development takes a long time to do very well.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
Just to add a bit on the "direction of MoI".

The basic idea of MoI is that it is a design tool, with the focus being on making it fast, fluid, and easy for you to express a particular design that you were imagining.

Modeling is the biggest piece of this "design expression" process.

But there will be other pieces that will help in the process as well, for example producing drawings, renderings, or annotated printouts can help communicate the design to other people. That's a certain element to realizing or expressing the design as well.

So I do expect to add stuff in this general area of "design communication" in the future.

- Michael
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