Curve on Surfaces

 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
Probably has been asked.
Has MoI got the capability to draw curves on surfaces ?

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 From:  lwan
1606.2 In reply to 1606.1 
I add my vote again on this just to make it even higher in the wishlist :D
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1606.3 In reply to 1606.1 
Hi Danny, currently no. But you can project a curve on to a surface by the Construct / Curve / Project command.

I do want to work on more direct surface drawing in the future, this may happen pretty soon here for drawing on planar surfaces but may take a while before I can enable direct drawing on curved surfaces.

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
1606.4 In reply to 1606.3 
Hi Michael,
It's not a thing that I would use all the time it just come up when I was using the project cmd and I had a wrap around situation that was not turning out right so I'm just playing around with the master curve which in turn still controls the projected curve on the surface, now thats sweet.

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 From:  jotero (TOROLF)
hello all :)

rhombic dodecahedron prcject lines "sphere" ;)

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