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 From:  Michael Gibson
1601.2 In reply to 1601.1 
Hi Steve, do you mean that the objects are oriented in the wrong direction?

If that is the problem, please try changing the setting under Options / Import/Export / OBJ options / Orientation, and see if that works better for you.

If you are having worse problems than that, you might try un-checking the "Weld vertices along edges" box in the meshing options dialog when you export from MoI. You have to push the little arrow in the lower left corner of the dialog to expand it to see this option. That will export an .obj file that has a somewhat more simple structure, maybe it will work better with Photoshop.

- Michael
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 From:  steve (STEVENCG)
1601.3 In reply to 1601.2 
it works, very good. Thank you Michael. One suggestion. In version 2 is it possible to have a render engine that creates a high res "screen shot" of what you model.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1601.4 In reply to 1601.3 
Hi Steve,

> In version 2 is it possible to have a render engine that creates a
> high res "screen shot" of what you model.

Are you looking for something that has the same look as the regular working display, but at a higher resolution?

If so, then that is possible in version 1, by setting up a keyboard shortcut that calls a script method to take a special expanded screenshot.

Check out this thread for more information on that:

- Michael
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