Sketch Up
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
159.2 In reply to 159.1 

You absolutly right! Moi is an "Skechup like"
Same tricky ergonomy, same facility, same fun to use!
You can use Sketchup in a free mode with "Google Sketchup"!
Quasi all principal functions of the Pro version for anyone : a lot of fun !
Only limitation in export you must use the SKP file format for your 3D objects
Any restriction in importation :)

Of course Sketchup is not in the same word of MoI : Architecture Box Modeling against nurbs design modeling :)
A very cool forum about architecture / design / Sketchup (Moi is yet over there :D

PS Maybe Google will buy back Moi a few time like Sketchup 6 month ago :)
Today it was You Tube :D

EDITED: 10 Oct 2006 by PILOU

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 From:  wibble
159.3 In reply to 159.1 
Oh yeah. If you just want to make lots of simple buildings real fast, then there probably isn't a better program than Sketchup. It's great!

MoI is really designed for detailed work and if you needed to do that kind of stuff, then you'd probably be posting in the Sketchup forum saying - "Has anybody seen MoI? I like Sketchup, but I'm seeing a bunch of features that make MoI super functional".

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