All right, I was going to stay out of this (so many other resources on the web beside the MoI forum), but....
RhinoCam is a plug-in that runs inside Rhino. So you can ctrl-c in MOI and ctrl-v in Rhino and then toolpath. No importing, saving, or anything else. Basic 2d cam is $1k or less. Continuous 4th axis rotary is an add on to the basic 2d, for another $1k. So, you can have honest to goodness, no BS wrapping, 4th axis rotary toolpath in seconds from MoI.
RhinoCams toolpaths are OK, but not too smart. They STILL dont have a spiral toolpath along the axis, its more like a wrapped XYZ raster. However, this is the cheapest way you can get true 4th axis toolpathing as far as I know.
Mecsoft is supposed to be releasing an improved version in June 2008, but they're ignored critical requests for years, so I'm not going to hold my breath for anything groundbreaking.
I think they have a free demo downloadable on their site, but expect a few calls from Anita the salesperson if you put your real phone # in there. ;-)