Question on importing
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 From:  jbshorty
Rhino can import Sketchup files. And then you can run the command "MeshToNurb" which will convert every polygon face into a Nurbs plane. The new faces will be joined to adjacent planes in the same manner as the mesh was joined. then you can Copy/Paste that Nurbs object into MoI...

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1578.10 In reply to 1578.9 
Hi Jonah, the problem with that method is that will result in SketchUp's n-gons being diced into triangles.

I think I remember there was another option specifically for SketchUp....

Here it is: - that updated SketchUp importer for Rhino seems to have an additional "SketchUpImportOptions" command you can run to turn on the "TrimmedPlane" option, which sounds like it will bring in SketchUp n-gons as trimmed NURBS planes.

So that is probably the best way right now to convert SketchUp files into a .3dm file.

It still probably won't be great if you have "smooth" parts in SketchUp, but it would probably work for bringing stuff made of planes over.

- Michael
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 From:  jbshorty
Ah, i forgot about that prototype importer. That should be the way to go. But if using the MeshToNurb version, one can always merge all the planar faces by running the command "MergeAllFaces". So i think the end result is the same...

But also it mentions that textures are lost if you import with "TrimmedPlane" option. But dicing up a mesh won't erase the textures. Anyway i guess that's not a problem for Stinkie in this case...

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 From:  stinkie
Thanks for your thoughts, people!

Seems I need Rhino. As I've just bought Maxwell, that's not an option. lol. What - I got a money tree? ;) I'm gonna keep your suggestions in mind, though.
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 From:  Paolo (PAOLOLOBBIA)
I use 3d_coat for shapes difficult to do in rhino40.
Then import the obj file in rhino.
Apply some meshplanes through the obj obect.
Then Mesh intesect to find the curves i need.
Then loft to reconstruct the shape in nurbs.
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