More of Rhino Boat Tute
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 From:  manz
1568.32 In reply to 1568.29 
Hi Brian,

>>That makes all I did worthwhile.

I have been following the thread with great interest. I have never modeled a sailing boat, but do feel like building one now.
The only hulls I usually build (for hobby) are spaceship hulls (I am a bit of a sci-fi fan, since the first episode of startrek back in 65) but, certainly off topic.

I have found some plans of a sailing boat I downloaded a while ago (cant even remember where from), I do now feel like building that model, although there are no photos, and the plans are hand drawn, I do now, after seeing your model, feel like attempting to build that. Would you be willing to help me with it (not on how it should be built in MoI, but how it should look) , as there are some gaps in the plans/blueprints, and boats are not something I know much about.

- manz
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
It's funny to make hull form in moi : you can move the points for search cool forms :)

EDITED: 29 Apr 2008 by PILOU


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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
1568.34 In reply to 1568.33 
Thanks Steve.
Most of the various settings that can be made are not in my field of understanding.
Is there anywhere in the MoI information that would clarify those for me?

Forget about the sails, now I just HAVE to experiment with the Pilou method.
See what I can get with that particular boat today?

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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
Hi Guys,

Just poked my nose in on this discussion and I remember seeing this solidworks tute on modeling a boat hull, the method is
very MoI friendly. Hope this helps.
video download on the left hand side of the page.

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
1568.36 In reply to 1568.35 
Thanks Danny, thats a nice straightforward tute.

I have just been doing a cleanup of my folders and apps (again!), where do all these things come from, am I to take the blame?

Anyway, I came accross several boat building Pdf's in an odd folder--why they were saved there????---that I had forgotten about.
I guess I have hours of frustration ahead of me!

The images are sample from those pdf's

EDITED: 31 Dec 2008 by BWTR

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 From:  manz
1568.37 In reply to 1568.34 
Hi Brian,

>>>I just HAVE to experiment with the Pilou method.

Construction as with pushing/pulling control points can appear an easy route, but it can add its own problems with good smoothing.

I have been looking at a boat construction with using cross_sections, but that again can cause some problems unless the cross_sections are very accurate.

I have now decided to simply construct with curves/sweeps, really just a guess, but I then have no problems with smoothing. A very quick example is a rowing boat I have just made (it only took a few minutes).

I will expand on this to create something bigger.

- manz

EDITED: 3 Aug 2009 by MANZ

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Another method some rustic :)
Move verticaly A and resize it then make boolean diff ;)

the file 3dm
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
1568.39 In reply to 1568.38 
Placed in the memory file.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1568.40 In reply to 1568.39 
For resize something in the case of the previous boat
Call Scale transform, draw an helper line on the boat's axe from clic to the brow to clic the poop
so you obtain the middle's boat axe = first click of the Scale, then second click of the Scale inside the boat on the the axe's helper or enter a % of reduction ;)
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
1568.42 In reply to 1568.41 
Thanks Pilou.
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 From:  vinced
Hi Brian.

Your Boat looks great, even with the planking. Don`t see a problem here(edit: ok the plank texture is a bit distorted in one direction.
Maybe try to avoid texture-stretching by using different tiling factors for x and y or u and w).
I`m really admiring your uv-work. Something that has always scared me a bit.
I hope Michael could do some Magic here;-)

By the way, i would use a fresnel effect(ior) on all materials.
That is one reason why all the unbiased renders look so real (and the lightning is the other reason of course).

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
1568.44 In reply to 1568.43 
Thanks Dirk.
Using the fresnell effect all the time? The very first time I have, ever, heard that one?
Will investigate.
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
1568.45 In reply to 1568.44 
In Carrara, I use the Fresnell plugin shader from here---

Some initial comparrison tests suggest that, as I have normally done, Fresnell needs to be used judicially.
Appreciate comments from others.

EDITED: 15 Nov 2008 by BWTR

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 From:  vinced
1568.46 In reply to 1568.45 
Hi Brian,

yesterday i`ve made some tests again and i couldn`t detect much difference by using fresnel or not.
I am a bit biased by the unbiased renderengines like Maxwell and Fryrender(nice worldplay :-)) and they have turned fresnel all the time on , cause you can`t turn it off. You just change it`s intesity mainly by the ior and by roughness.
I`ve here one tutorial which is about procedural textures in c4d and there the author uses fresnel. Inside the tutorial he has two images, one with fresnel turned on and one without it, so you can compare its effect.
Unfortunenatly the tutorial is in spanish. I can`t speak or read spanish either but the images are named in english so you can easily see of what i spoke here. The link to the english text seems to be broken, so here is the spanish one:

The fresnel effect in a way accents three- dimensionality when there are reflections visible on an object.

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
1568.47 In reply to 1568.46 
The few quick tests I did shows a softening/degredation of contrasts/shadows on some objects.
That, especially, on objects which should not be reflective.
In Carrara, we have the Reflection channel as basic. The Fresnel plugins being a more "specialised refinement" in that area.
(Carrara is pretty good with it's shading tree variables)
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 From:  jbshorty
Unbiased engines also have blurry reflections/refractions on ALL objects. This is how you find materials in reality. For materials such as glass/chrome, the sampling must be cranked up very high. For biased engines it will make your render time painfully long, but is more accurate...

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