non photorealistic rendering
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 From:  WillBellJr
I'm surprised to see Hash above Carrara (perhaps cause it has been around longer) and I would have expected Maya to be way above where its at?

But I will admit if you can master Hash Splines, it's one of the BEST character animation packages you could hope for! I get tempted myself to upgrade to the latest version every now and then...

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 From:  manz
1553.23 In reply to 1553.21 
Hi Phil,

>>>Blender ................ and has a very flexible render engine

I would be very interested if you could post any non-photorealistic renders from blender.

After the initial post on this subject, I am finding much interest.

- Steve
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1553.24 In reply to 1553.23 

EDITED: 20 Apr 2008 by PILOU

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 From:  manz
1553.25 In reply to 1553.24 
Hi Pilou,

Thanks, but I am looking for render directly from blender, the link (gallery) can/could show render from blender with post process with external image process.

I would like to see "direct" output from blender for non-photo_realistic render.

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1553.26 In reply to 1553.25 
Sorry this is more related subject :)
2 tutorials : but this is endless !
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 From:  manz
1553.27 In reply to 1553.26 
Thank you,

>>but this is endless

I can understand that, and thank you for your time.

I will look and (try) to learn,.. my old brain is slow these days, "learn an old dog new tricks" does come to mind with me at the moment.

I will look more at Blender, and do applicate the info / replies.


- Steve
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 From:  Phil (PHILBO)
1553.28 In reply to 1553.27 
The picture that I posted in the second post is a direct output from Blender. I directly followed the tutorial that Frenchy Pilou posted on my ship that I created in MOI. I exported it as an LWO and imported with the MOI import script that is posted on the wiki.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Google Sketchup has ton of Sketches style! :)
But for now these one can't be rendering in Podium or Kerkythea! Only on the original screen of Google Sketchup!
it is not so bad for real time rendering ;)

(else here a classic toon maker : Plastic Animation Paper (a free version available) )

EDITED: 20 Apr 2008 by PILOU


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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
Hi Pilou and Steve (manz)

The Blender option shook some of the cobwebs from my memory and I rememered when playing with Linux years ago
I loaded up Blender and there was this tute about toon rendering, this is the look I'm after.
I'll have to revisit blender again, but as I recall I think the Blender interface hurt my brain back then.
I think I'll give it another go, seeing it's the free option.

EDITED: 21 Apr 2008 by DANTAS

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
1553.31 In reply to 1553.30 
I have lost count of the times I have downloaded Blender. (And millions of tutes!)
"The interface hurt my brain" Haaaaa!-- AND my pocket because I had to BUY an app that suited my brain!
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 From:  manz
1553.32 In reply to 1553.30 
>>>I'll have to revisit blender again, but as I recall I think the Blender interface hurt my brain back then. I think I'll give it another go, seeing it's the free option.

I was of the same opinion. I have been playing with Blender again, but this time just on the rendering which is quite easy to use.

I would of liked to see more control of the edge lines, as currently it is control on where the lines are to be placed (lower number less places) rather than (as I would like to see) the ability to control the thickness of line (unless I have missed some settings?)

- Steve

EDITED: 3 Aug 2009 by MANZ

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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
1553.33 In reply to 1553.32 
Looks Great Steve, as I was reading the tute from the link, that I posted earlier, the line thickness control was in step 4.
I haven't started any rendering yet I'm still researching rendering options and testing MoI.

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 From:  manz
1553.34 In reply to 1553.33 
Hi Danny,

The "step 4" is only giving example of what I mentioned. It allows some control of where the lines (edges) are produced, not the thickness. I still see this as a good option for what you want, just a need to play with the settings.

My example is quite bad, as it is only one color(on object) with 2 lights. But could easily be made better.

Please do post any results you get from your import/render. I am certainly interested. (maybe post your model for render tests/ comparison?)

- Steve
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
1553.35 In reply to 1553.34 
Yeh, I plan to post some results but it won't be right now, I'm still testing MoI for my needs, I'm 90% sure that this is the 3d app I'm going to purchase.
It's just that juggling, Family, work and hobby is a bit of a challenge but be sure I will have something in the near future.
I'll keep you posted.

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 From:  Phil (PHILBO)
1553.36 In reply to 1553.35 
I know this isn't the optimal way to do it, and Blender does need better control over the edge settings, but if you scale the render size up, the lines get thinner. You then just resize the final output down to more appropriate size.

Hope that helps.
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 From:  Phil (PHILBO)
I found this to be pretty neat.

You can export from MOI as a 3ds and import right into Freestyle. I quickly created this. While not particularly great, it has neat style.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1553.38 In reply to 1553.37 
That is kind of entertaining having an early stage concept sketch generated from the finished model!
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 From:  Ed
1553.39 In reply to 1553.37 
Thanks for posting the link & example Phil. I've been looking at Non-Photorealistic Rendering packages lately, and I think you just saved me some money :)

What settings did you use in your Freestyle example?

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 From:  Phil (PHILBO)
1553.40 In reply to 1553.39 
I cannot remember exactly. I think it was polygon, Q01, and an edge one.
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 From:  Ed
1553.41 In reply to 1553.40 
I've been experimenting with Freestyle ( thanks again Phil ! ).

I did not find a combination of settings to get the exact results I wanted, so I modified their "styles". Luckly you can change their settings - I don't understand the programming language so I just started changing parameters by trial & error :)

I was able to make the "sketch-like" result I was seeking. Paper background texture added in Paint Shop Pro.

I've attached the three Style Modules for this sketch effect:

Ed Ferguson
Seattle, Washington

EDITED: 2 May 2008 by ED

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