Format igs

 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)

The free Version of Amapi3D 6.1 has an "iges" file format export (practical for primitives like helix and so one)
You can find Amapi3D 6.1 here (just register on the forum and post one message :)

But Moi seems reload the file in format iges, but nothing is visible ?
Here a sphere & a cube
maybe the header of the Iges Amapifile is not classical?
(Amapi reload his Iges file :)

Ps Nurbs in Amapi 6.1 are not "real" nurbs
It's different for up version

EDITED: 9 Oct 2006 by PILOU


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 From:  Michael Gibson
154.2 In reply to 154.1 
This file has objects in it, but they are set to have the IGES "blanked" flag on them, so they are imported as a hidden object. Click on Edit/Hide to show them. The same thing happens when reading the IGES file into Rhino as well.

It seems to just be wireframe curves of a sphere and cube though, no actual surfaces...

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
154.3 In reply to 154.2 

Damned you had the good reflex !
Absolutly not thinked to press the key "Hide" :D
And yes it's normal, start file is just wireframes without face !
So your import Iges rocks !

PS Does Moi has an automatic function to transform these wireframes in surfaces or volumes or solids ?
But maybe I am a donkey because it's wireframes from "polygones" modeling so the shere can be smooth by Moi isn't it? :D

EDITED: 9 Oct 2006 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
154.4 In reply to 154.3 
> PS Does Moi has an automatic function to transform
> these wireframes in surfaces or volumes or solids ?

No... It would be sort of an unusual way to bring in data since like you mention it would all end up faceted.

- Michael
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