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 From:  manz
1524.25 In reply to 1524.24 
Hi Brian,

>>>I can not duplicate that boolean problem?

Strange,... OK, I will look at my setup, with possible re-installation (of OS if needed).

I did play a little more, and made booleans to produce:-

But have not rendered it yet.

- Steve

EDITED: 3 Aug 2009 by MANZ

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
1524.26 In reply to 1524.25 
On one of those bubbled surface Pewter Tankards? (Glass bottom ?)
Then, in an appropriate scene, and rendered at 300ppi (10x8) for Michael to print out for his desk!

Show us!
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
1524.27 In reply to 1524.26 
Sometimes I should keep my mouth closed!
Really strained MoI. A 61.5MB 3DM file!
Must be a way to get smaller file sizes?
Anyway. Good learning again.

EDITED: 31 Dec 2008 by BWTR

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
1524.28 In reply to 1524.27 
Using the Plain version 3DM Moi file-=--- only 512kb!
Then playing around with shaders in Carrara6Pro

EDITED: 31 Dec 2008 by BWTR

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 From:  manz
1524.29 In reply to 1524.24 
Hi Brian,

>>>I can not duplicate that boolean problem?
Can you explain specifically how you had it happen? I tried all sorts of angles without problems.

I have just re-checked on a restored image of a clean installation of XP, but still seeing the same problem

When you looked at this, did you attempt to union 2 pipes created from sweep (or the pipe command from Michael).
I know that a union of 2 solid cylinders does work correctly.(but I am looking at this from the point of sweep/pipe along projected lines)

- Steve
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1524.30 In reply to 1524.29 
Hi Steve - could you please post or send a .3dm model file with the problem geometry? That would definitely help in reproducing the problem.

Things that kind of graze each other to touch only at a point does tend to be one of the more difficult areas of intersection calculations.

- Michael
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 From:  manz
1524.31 In reply to 1524.30 
Hi Michael,

The example is just 2 pipes, created on plane using your pipe script.(attached)

I am actually now seeing quite a few problems with booleans, usually when a boolean crosses a previous cut.


EDITED: 3 Aug 2009 by MANZ

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1524.32 In reply to 1524.31 
> The example is just 2 pipes, created on plane using your pipe script.(attached)

Thanks, yup definitely a bug, the intersector appears to be having difficulty getting one piece of the intersection curve, you can see this if you select them and run Construct / Curve / Isect to create the surface/surface intersection curves.

> I am actually now seeing quite a few problems with booleans, usually
> when a boolean crosses a previous cut.

Yeah definitely the amount of calculations get more complex when there are more edges and pieces running into each other, particularly if you end up having small fragments involved.

Definitely send these on over when you run into them. Probably for many of them I will have to collect them up and send them to the people that make my geometry library and wait for them to fix them which will take some time. But eventually progress can be made on them.

- Michael
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 From:  manz
1524.33 In reply to 1524.32 
Hi Michael,

>>>Thanks, yup definitely a bug, the intersector appears to be having difficulty getting one piece of the intersection curve, you can see this if you select them and run Construct / Curve / Isect to create the surface/surface intersection curves.

But the problem is only after a sweep. If I use "solid cylinder", or "extrude a circle", then no problem. Is the problem with the boolean, or with the sweep?

I can of course put together some examples of the problems, but I would prefer to find simple fully repeatable examples, then e-mail them to you. I could always leave that until after you release 2 beta, then just send any bug reports based on that (if that would be better?)

- Steve
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1524.34 In reply to 1524.33 
Hi Steve,

> Is the problem with the boolean, or with the sweep?

The problem is with the surface/surface intersection part of the boolean, the sweep is fine.

The cylinder / extrude happens to work in this case because either one of those gets created as an analytic surface subclass. Analytic surfaces can have some special case processing run for them during surface/surface intersection calculations in certain cases.

> I could always leave that until after you release 2 beta, then just
> send any bug reports based on that (if that would be better?)

This is a good idea. I am planning on incorporating the geometry library update into the first v2 beta.

- Michael
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