Another alternative UI
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 From:  BurrMan
1521.51 In reply to 1521.50 
"""""Maybe it would be easier to add the custom parts to the V2 files...""""""""""

This would be the way to go......
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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
Hi, im customizing my UI but i couldn't do a couple of things: 1. Change the text color, normal and highlighted, and 2. change the color of the division bars of the viewports when in split view, i would appreciate any help... thanks in advance!
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Maybe you must wait the V3?
Maybe some new facilities for customize your UI?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1521.54 In reply to 1521.52 
Hi ed,

> 1. Change the text color, normal and highlighted

The text color comes from the color: attribute in moi.css - at the top of moi.css there are some classes defined for the body elements of different UI pieces, they look like this:


The part that defines the text color is the color:#000000; line in there. If you change that to color:#FFFFFF; for example that would make the bottom command bar text to be white instead of black.

You can also use rgb notation for setting the color which you may find easier than the hex notation - rgb notation goes like this color:rgb(255,0,0);
the rgb notation has 3 command separated values for red, green, blue, with each one ranging from 0 to 255. More info on CSS color notation here:

So update the color: attribute in all of those classes at the top of moi.css, like .CommandBarBody, .SidePaneBody, .MenuBody, etc... to set the text color.

re: highlighted - that depends on what particular kind of highlight you're talking about. Do you mean for selected text in a text input, or some controls also set their color attribute on mouseover, to change that go to the CSS for the particular control and there will be a color property listed under mouseover: that can be changed.

> 2. change the color of the division bars of the viewports when
> in split view, i would appreciate any help...

Some info on that part here:

- Michael
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 From:  twofoot
I find it interesting how many people want all of their software to look the same. This is not meant to be harsh, but black and gray are so generic.

Vive la difference!

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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
Hi, thanks for your help michael! here is what i came with. I decided to make it black because i feel its less tired for my eyes!


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 From:  Michael Gibson
1521.57 In reply to 1521.56 
Hi Ed, I'm glad you were able to get it set up how you wanted!

I have some ideas for MoI v3 on how to make it easier to alter the colors - for example in MoI v3 much more of the appearance for controls is specified in the CSS with things like gradient fills, so that should make for less adjusting of images.

I'll also probably try to make some system where there are a couple of different themes that you can switch between.

- Michael
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 From:  Nick (NVANLAAR)
1521.58 In reply to 1521.55 
>I find it interesting how many people want all of their software to look the same. This is not meant to be harsh, but black and gray are so generic.

Generic yes, but easy on the eyes... absolutely! After many years of AutoCAD I can't stand looking at a white/light colored screen all day. Also a similar UI color scheme breeds a sort of familiarity. Fortunately, many things are configurable here and in other programs. To each his own. :-)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1521.59 In reply to 1521.58 
Actually, I find a darker system to be harsher on the eyes particularly if text becomes hard to read. Things like dark text on a dark background require much more effort to focus on.

A light background and dark text is just the most natural way to read text, it requires the least amount of focus.

But yes certainly different people have different preferences - that's why I want to have a couple of choices for the UI theme in the future. In MoI v3 moving to have more of the UI being based off of parameters instead of images should help with that.

- Michael
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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
That easy way of customization sounds great, I spent a lot of time looking for what image made what and figuring out what drove the htmls color until i found the css (that shows how ignorant i am with programming), there should be instructions for doing that, or a button like the edit ini but edit css lol
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 From:  SW03
I think it's great to build MOIs UI in a Html-Css manner. Its easy to customize, and if Michael is switching to the Webkit engine and perhaps supporting CSS3 you could easily set up a class for e.g. the corner radii of all Buttons and change it on the fly... With CSS3 properties you could even omit images for gradients and other stuff that is supportet.

Looking forward to V3 UI :-)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1521.62 In reply to 1521.61 
Hi SW03, re: CSS3 - yup that's exactly what's happening - along with the switch to Webkit I've been reworking the UI to be based off of CSS3 using things like border-radius and gradient fills instead of images for quite a bit of stuff.

So a lot more of the definition of the controls is contained within the CSS now.

- Michael
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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
1521.63 In reply to 1521.62 
Hi Michael ...

Any idea yet when we'll see the first beta ... I know ... when it's ready :-)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1521.64 In reply to 1521.63 
Hi eric,

> Any idea yet when we'll see the first beta ...
> I know ... when it's ready :-)

Sorry, I still don't really know yet, but I don't think it should be too far off, I don't have too many more pieces left to finish before the new UI will be all fully functional. It is often hard for me to judge how long it will take to finish up any one particular piece though.

It's taken a lot longer than I had originally thought, but it should be good in the long run to have the UI be more self contained.

- Michael
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
1521.65 In reply to 1521.64 
""""""""""""It's taken a lot longer than I had originally thought"""""""""""""

I imagine you must had a couple of development ideas while revisiting all this code!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1521.66 In reply to 1521.65 
Hi Marc,

> I imagine you must had a couple of development ideas
> while revisiting all this code!

Yup, definitely!

- Michael
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 From:  SW03
***CSS3 - yup that's exactly what's happening - along with the switch to Webkit I've been reworking the UI to be based off of CSS3 using things like border-radius and gradient fills instead of images for quite a bit of stuff.*** 8-D
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 From:  AlexS (ALEKSEI)
Where is setting the base font interface?

Thank you.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1521.69 In reply to 1521.68 
Hi Alex,

> Where is setting the base font interface?

That one comes from the moi.ini file - look under the [UI] section for the UIFontName value, like this:


- Michael
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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
I dont know you but every day i work with MoI I feel the need of a more customized interface, every time more clean, more to your liking. Well, today I finally updated mine after a lot of time and confusion but here it is:


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