Some help with network
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 From:  rayman
Just out of couriousity.... what do you need the second
set of longtitudinal lines for in the first place ?
Network does very well construct without them b y using the form
of the latitudinal lines... see this...

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 From:  contact7
Hi Rayman. I said I was a newbie, didn't I?
Well I kind of followed "The more, the better" rule.

Michael thanks again for your comments. I see what you mean now. Mine looked like a 2D grid , but in fact it wasn't.

Anyway, I'm improving bit by bit. So here's what it looks like right now.

One question. If a have a curve like the one shown below, with a lot of control points. Is there a way to reduce the number of control points while retaining the actual shape?



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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
1484.16 In reply to 1484.15 
Side tracking I know, but here are a couple of renders from my first MoI Mouse!
(Do you need to see the HUGE folder containing all my learning efforts?--but what fun!)

EDITED: 30 Dec 2008 by BWTR

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 From:  manz
1484.17 In reply to 1484.15 
Hi Mark,

>>>If a have a curve like the one shown below, with a lot of control points. Is there a way to reduce the number of control points while retaining the actual shape?

Removing control points will change the shape, although it may only be very slightly (depending on the gap left between the adjacent control points). Removing control points is a way to refine the shape/surface, as MoI will give to real_time feedback and show the change when a control point is removed.

- Steve
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1484.18 In reply to 1484.15 
Hi Mark,

> One question. If a have a curve like the one shown below,
> with a lot of control points. Is there a way to reduce the number
> of control points while retaining the actual shape?

There isn't any automated "rebuild" type command in version 1.0 .

If you want to make a big change in the point structure, probably the best method right now is to draw a new curve and use the old one as a snapping guide to make it follow the general shape.

- Michael
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