Make pipes easier for tubulars/pipes frames professionnals designers
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 From:  Phil (PHILBO)
1463.10 In reply to 1463.9 

You amaze me. Your contributions to your user base are very admirable and very much appreciated. I am very happy with my MOI purchase and it gets better everyday.

Sincerest Thanks

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
1463.11 In reply to 1463.10 
Yes I meant shell!
Actually I was surprised that sweep did not work!
(You know which (//) thinggy "update"that should be added to!
(I inspired an idea in Michael Gibson---will I ever be able to sleep again?)

P for Pipes--all in one go! (Thanks Michael)

EDITED: 31 Dec 2008 by BWTR

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
what about auto-intersections?

Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery

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 From:  grandpi (PIERREARCHI)
1463.13 In reply to 1463.9 
Fantastic Michael !!!. Try it when i have a moment today...
Thanks again ... (from a future MOI buyer !!!)

This is an exemple i have done with Sketchup+podium with long efforts, bad precisions, no smooth on curve....
I work on architectural prototypes with roof based on pipes frame and tended tissu : i 'm sure making this quicker and better with the new pipe tool add-on in MOI !! ....



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 From:  Michael Gibson
1463.14 In reply to 1463.12 
Hi Pilou,

> what about auto-intersections?

It's kind of difficult to handle self-intersections without doing quite a lot of extra checking which slows processing for normal things down quite a lot as well...

So most of the time surface self-intersections like that won't be handled generally. You need to construct things like that in different segments so that the pieces can be booleaned or trimmed with one another.

- Michael
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 From:  grandpi (PIERREARCHI)
1463.15 In reply to 1463.14 

The script doesn't work for me.
Config : mac+parallel + xp + no save Moi version ?
Impossible to see a new window after clicking a rail ... Have you got an idea ?




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 From:  Michael Gibson
1463.16 In reply to 1463.15 
Hi Pierre, did you unzip the files, and can you double check that you have 2 files named Pipe.js and Pipe.htm inside the C:\Program Files\MoI 1.0 trial\commands folder?

Also can you tell me what you have listed for your shortcut key for Pipe under Options / Shortcut keys?

I just gave it a quick try over here with the no-save trial version and I couldn't see any problems over here anyway...

Also, it actually isn't supposed to pop up a new window - it should show the pipe options in the upper-right area of the main window.

And also the options won't show up immediately after you click a rail, you have to push Done or Right-click after selecting the rail, if you did not have anything selected before running the command. In general I would recommend selecting the rails before running the command though, then it should go directly to the options page.

One other possible issue - I think that anything older than the brand newest version of Parallels had problems running the Direct3D display system that MoI uses, so if you are using an older version of that you might want to update it.

- Michael
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 From:  grandpi (PIERREARCHI)
1463.17 In reply to 1463.16 
Sorry Michael,

i have wrote "put in pipe", in the shortkey instead of "pipe".
Everything work fine ....Fantastic.

Thanks Michael.


PS : I'm just buying MOI licence 5 minute ago ....
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 From:  grandpi (PIERREARCHI)
1463.18 In reply to 1463.16 
I 'm just "playing" with the new tool ... it is really fantastic to create severals pipes in the same times ....
When i think of the time spent on sketchup to make 2 pipes .... the productivity is now fantastic.

Thanks michael.

Pierre, Pipes architect.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1463.19 In reply to 1463.18 
I'm glad it is working for you now, and thank you very much for your order!

I hope it won't be too much longer before I will be able to work on the corner mitering for v2.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
Pipe doodling:

- Michael
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 From:  WillBellJr
Wow, what a great addition to MOI - BRAVO, Michael!

I'd love to add this to the Draw Solid menu! Wasn't there a tip around here on how to add command buttons somewhere?


PS - I noticed if you set an inner radius, and then blank the field (as it is initially), the pipe still retains the last inner radius entered. You have to enter '0' to actually remove the inner radius...

PPS - Would it be possible to add a pick option for a custom profile shape?


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 From:  falcon76
Hi Michael,
the script is fantastic, but I have some problem.
It "freeze" moi often (probably is the first time that a crash happen to me).
My computer is not the best out there but usually moi work like a charm.

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 From:  WillBellJr
1463.23 In reply to 1463.22 
My laptop has freezing problems with MOI when I have performed heavy boolean and filleting to my models.

I believe this is due to my laptop's video drivers since it doesn't seem to happen to my desktop computer.

Unless your computer is very slow, this could be similar to what's happening with you?

If you can, try a different computer to see if the same happens there too...

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1463.24 In reply to 1463.22 
Hi Luca, yes this one behaves a bit differently than a regular command, it does not support the regular kind of canceling mechanism, and while it is busy calculating MoI will appear frozen instead of staying alive like normal.

It should be possible for me to improve this in the future, but for V1 this script will have this problem.

Also you can create a pretty complex calculation with this if you have a lot of curves, or a really long curve, so you probably should only try something complex on this particular one if you have a somewhat faster machine, since it cannot be canceled easily.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1463.25 In reply to 1463.23 
Hi Will - also this particular command behaves a little differently, it is due to the way it kind of re-uses several other commands internal to it. This particular way of using multiple commands internally does not get the normal smooth cancel mechanism that you usually get.

So this is probably a little different than the problem on your laptop.

I don't think that it will be too difficult to get this fixed up for v2 though.

- Michael
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 From:  falcon76
1463.26 In reply to 1463.23 
Yes you are right, it's probably my "office" computer (P4 2,8Ghz with only 750MB of RAM).
For the Video card I have a Quadro FX 600, but I cannot update the video driver because it works very well with some programs I use for work (PDMS and stuff like that...).


EDITED: 17 Mar 2008 by FALCON76

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1463.27 In reply to 1463.21 
Hi Will,

> I'd love to add this to the Draw Solid menu! Wasn't there a
> tip around here on how to add command buttons somewhere?

What you do is use a text editor like notepad to open up the sidepane.htm file which is in the \ui subfolder underneath MoI's main installation folder.

You'll see in there that each button is a <moi:CommandButton> tag, and you can add a new one in there as well for Pipe if you want.

There is some more information here:

Let me know if you get stuck. I don't have an icon prepared for that though.

> PS - I noticed if you set an inner radius, and then blank the
> field (as it is initially), the pipe still retains the last inner radius
> entered. You have to enter '0' to actually remove the inner radius...

Let me know if this is a much of a problem - it should be possible to correct this, but it looks like you already know how to solve it! :)

> PPS - Would it be possible to add a pick option for a custom profile shape?

Well, at that point you are not really getting any benefit compared to sweep, except for handling a larger number of curves at once, is that what you need to do?

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1463.28 In reply to 1463.26 
Hi Luca, actually that does not sound like a bad computer (although the amount of RAM is borderline).

The command can be a little sluggish, it is doing quite a bit of work - multiple sweeps plus multiple booleans.

You may have to give it some more time to finish, like a couple of minutes or so. But that is still a lot quicker than all the clicking and clicking that you would normally have to do for this.

Do you see an actual crash, or do you see MoI freeze up while it is working? If it is the freeze then you just aren't waiting long enough :)

I know that feels strange since MoI does not normally behave like that though.

This was a good experiment for me to see what I need to tune up to make this kind of aggregated command function as smoothly as a regular command.

- Michael
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 From:  falcon76
1463.29 In reply to 1463.28 
Today I try to replicate the "freeze" and maybe to wait a bit more ;-)...I'm so impatience sometime.....
I let you know.

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