Fillets and booleans, why?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1440.2 In reply to 1440.1 
Hi Fredrik, I'm glad that the Fillets and booleans are working well for you!

They are a very complex area of calculation, especially fillets, so it certainly is possible to get plenty of fillets that aren't going to work in MoI. If you have a large number of edges coming together at a single corner, or tiny skinny surfaces, or surfaces that have little wrinkles or folds in them, those will all tend to make things much more difficult to fillet.

But simple structures tend to work pretty well.

Booleans are one of the strongest areas of MoI's kernel.

There are still cases that can cause difficulty with booleans though too, like if you have some pieces that overlap but that slightly wiggle in and out of each other instead of being a more exact overlap. Simple and clean overlaps like your cylinder tend to work well though.

The more simple, accurate, and clean your model is, the better chance these functions have of succeeding.

> I thought they both have the same modeling kernel?

Nope, they have completely different modeling kernels.

MoI does use the same OpenNURBS library as Rhino for reading and writing 3DM files, but it is a file I/O library, not a geometry kernel.

One other note in case you didn't know - you can also just use Copy/Paste to move models back and forth between MoI and Rhino.

- Michael
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 From:  Fredrik (FREDRIKW)
1440.3 In reply to 1440.2 
Hi Michael,

I have collected a couple of difficult situations for fillets and booleans, which I will go through in both Moi and Rhino at work tomorrow.
Moi seems to be good at these things, and does some things that Rhino can't do automatically. I guess that's important since many Moi users are also Rhino users.

- Could a Merge-function that merges co-circular, co-conic and co-planar surfaces be made?
All co-linear single curved surfaces in other words.
(The yellow part in the picture has two co-circular faces).
If it's a reasonable wish, I wish for it. This would make clean models easier to keep clean and to work on with.

While wishing, view clipping objects in 3D viewport with would be nice. Like L- shaped clipping planes, or S-shapes, or even double curved clipping objects (with adjustable thickness colors). I will try to explain better tomorrow.
Good Night!

Thanks for the advice too!

- Fredrik
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1440.4 In reply to 1440.3 
Hi Fredrik,

I have added your requests to the wiki wishlist:

> - Could a Merge-function that merges co-circular, co-conic
> and co-planar surfaces be made?

For planar surfaces, this kind of merging should be happening automatically in boolean operations, for example taking these 3 boxes:

And then doing boolean union on them will produce this result:

As you can see the co-planar top parts were merged into one single plane.

I have noticed that this merging does not happen in all cases though, if you run across examples where it does not work please send them to me at so I can get them logged as bugs to get fixed up.

I added merging of compatible extrusions and conic sections to the wishlist, but it is not really a particularly easy thing to do in all cases, it will probably be a while before that can happen.

There can be some additional merging that happens now if the pieces involved are trimmed pieces from a larger common surface. That's why the Crown of Clubs tutorial (from here: creates such a clean final shape.

- Michael

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 From:  Jesse
1440.5 In reply to 1440.1 
I haven't posted any new work in a while so
I thought I'd upload this charm I'm working on.

MoI's filleting tools really rock!


EDITED: 10 Mar 2008 by JESSE

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 From:  Fredrik (FREDRIKW)
1440.6 In reply to 1440.5 
cool Charm Jesse!
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 From:  Jesse
1440.7 In reply to 1440.6 
Thanks Fredrik :-)

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