Centering at Origin
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1415.8 In reply to 1415.7 
Hi Jonah, yeah I think that if you had multiple selected objects, it would work on the combined bounding box for the whole set.

- Michael
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 From:  Brian (BHEALY27)

Thanks for the help. I understand both methods you recommended and they work well on individual objects but it seems near impossible to center what could be considered a group of several separate objects.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1415.10 In reply to 1415.9 
Hi Brian, for centering a group of several objects, select them all, then run the Transform/Move command.

Pick the first point at your best guess of where the center of your group is at. If you have a hard time judging the proportions, you may want to draw a rectangle to frame your group first, then you can snap on to the center of that rectangle.

Then on the second point of the Move command, pick on the origin.

That should do it.

If you're having difficulty with a particular group of objects, can you please post the model file here? That will help me give you more specific step-by-step instructions.

- Michael
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 From:  Jesse
1415.11 In reply to 1415.9 
This isn't the best example...but I've been using construction lines to locate the center of a group of 2D's not a perfect method, but it sort of gets me closer to what I need to do. For 3D objects that aren't in a symmetrical grouping, I agree it would be more difficult.

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 From:  Brian (BHEALY27)
Micheal and Jesse,

Good suggestions.


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