Hi Brian, well one thing that is difficult is that each program may have its own unique terminology.
Like for example in your dialog there I don't really know what the difference is in Carrara between a "Facet Mesh" and a "Vertex Primitive".
Sometimes the auto position and auto scaling can create alignment problems when you want to import pieces from several different files. Basically if each piece gets scaled to the same uniform size, relative sizes between each piece will get lost. So sometimes you might want to un-check "AutoPosition" and check "Disable Auto-scaling". But this is not likely to be an issue when you are importing just a single file to work on.
The "Map OBJ Y to Carrara Z axis" should only be used if your objects seem to be coming in rotated 90 degrees from the original. If they are then flip this checkbox.
Assume UV Coordinates are Between 0 and 1 - that should be checked, MoI does export UV coordinates between 0 and 1.
I would say the "Create one Object per Group" you want to have on, that will help get your pieces separated so you can assign different materials more easily.
- Michael