Hi Brian,
> But sellecting the face gives a fillet on all edges!
Well, only if you select all the faces...
Like if you want to fillet edges just along the top of a shape like this:
Then you can select the top face like this:
Which will produce fillets just along the top edges like this:
Note that there is not a fillet on all edges, just on edges that belong to that top face.
The nice thing is I only had to select one face to fillet all those edges, instead of selecting many edges.
> Sorry for carrying on, but there are just a very few "odd" working
> methods in the current version of MoI that either need an SR
It certainly helps when you describe the problems you are running into, that may give me ideas on how to improve things in the future.
But not everything has a very clear cut solution to it, a change to solve one particular problem may cause new problems in other areas. In this case everything is functioning as it is designed to, so a SR is not the answer.
> or very clear working proceedure instructions.
That's really what the forum is for - it seems like this is all cleared up now with this forum discussion?
But yeah for v2 at least I can add some notes about this in the documentation for Fillet.
If you were running into a lot previously and wasting a lot of time, I guess I'm kind of confused why you didn't post about it earlier?
- Michael