New Sep-26 beta available now
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 From:  Schbeurd
New tools, new toys ! Yeah !!! ;-)))
Thanks Michael !

And first problem to report. I already noticed it earlier but did not really paid attention because it was not blocking, but with the new export features, it's more annoying...

One one of my computers I've no slider on the bar (fewer or more polygons). It was already present in the UI options, but there was a possibility for manual input so I didn't really bother.
Thanks to the God of Computer Graphics it works on the other (older) computer ! ;-)
I'm running XP home on both machines...

- Schbeurd

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 From:  Michael Gibson
137.6 In reply to 137.4 
I'd recommend to install to the default directory. Each beta version will default to its own individual directory, such as "C:\Program Files\MoI beta Sep-26-2006".

So by default there is no overwriting happening and you can have multiple beta versions installed at once with no problem.

It is probably a good idea to keep the old version around for a little while, just in case something that you needed to use got broken in the new beta (hopefully this won't happen, but it is a possibility). After you've used the new one enough that you feel you don't need the old one anymore, you can uninstall it. There is a shortcut for uninstalling off the Start menu / All programs entry for the beta.

- Michael
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 From:  marcus_civis
Great work on the beta. It's impressive how much and how often you're updating. Thanks!
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 From:  Gavin (GAVINMC)

Thanks for the .stl save option (export button does not work, save as .stl does)
You just made Moi usable for me.
STL allows me to use Freemill to make NC code for my model trains.
I will now clean my pc of all the other cad programs that suck and stick with Moi.
Need also to clean my desk to make room for my tablet as it is by far the best way to do 3D modeling.

Not only do you have a great program that gets better every release but you just saved me lots of money.
And lots of time too, most cad/3d modeling programs take ages to learn.
This is still a hobby for me but now I can start to do stuff that serious modelers/machinists spend a life time learning and doing.

Regards Gavin
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 From:  Michael Gibson
137.9 In reply to 137.8 
Hi Gavin, very cool, I'm glad that it has enough stuff to work for you now!

> (export button does not work, save as .stl does)

The export is for saving only the selected objects to a file. This can be confusing, because if you don't have anything selected, it will prompt you to select objects, but the prompt is all the way on the other corner of the application so it is sort of hard to see what is going on.

I'm sure that you'll have questions as you start to use it more, please post them here.

- Michael
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