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 From:  Michael Gibson
1356.41 In reply to 1356.40 
Hi Pilou,

> Something i don't understand : when you make a little tut for Brian
> there is images inside the text and the same images in thumbnail
> at the end of the post!

This was intentional, because I wanted to show the image inline in my mini tut - in some case like a tutorial it is nice to display the image right directly inside the text, instead of only having it as thumbnails at the very end of all text.

So for that post I used inserted <img> tags just the same as before.

Then the attachments for images now always show up at the end of a post as thumbnails, it doesn't matter if they are used inline in the message or not.

I was thinking it might not be a bad idea to detect if the image was used inline and if so just display it as an old-style plain text link in the attachments section instead of as a thumbnail...

> Seems there is twice different loading?

There is, but the thumbnails are small, it doesn't save a whole lot of load time to skip them. But I'm thinking it may be nice to skip them just because it looks a bit odd to see 2 of the same images displayed.

- Michael
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
1356.42 In reply to 1356.41 
And Michael is considering Brians slow learning curve!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
A couple of tuneups for attachments - the attachment dialog was slightly tweaked because it had a "complete" button which kind of looked like the button to push to do the upload which it wasn't. Switched that to a "Close" button and re-arranged the button order slightly.

Also now if an image is used inline in a message, it won't display as a thumbnail at the end and instead will be just a link in the regular non-thumbnail attachments list. This is so the image doesn't appear twice on the screen which kind of looks a little weird.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1356.44 In reply to 1356.43 
Slight tuneup for top blue nav bar to give it a gradient backdrop.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1356.45 In reply to 1356.44 
I believe this blue of the top menu is not according to the screen
More there is the blue of the Window system!
That makes too more different blue in the same time!
Maybe something like that will be more fit ?
Image Attachments:
Size: 74.6 KB, Downloaded: 27 times, Dimensions: 569x412px
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1356.46 In reply to 1356.45 
Hi Pilou, that looks nice but maybe a little bit too light. With white text the background behind it needs to be somewaht dark to have contrast...

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1356.47 In reply to 1356.46 
maybe like this :) more dark
Image Attachments:
Size: 61.1 KB, Downloaded: 23 times, Dimensions: 515x336px
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1356.48 In reply to 1356.47 
Hi Pilou, I think that's better than your previous one, but the one I currently have matches the header on the home page better, that's one reason why it is that color... I think I'm going to stick with the current color.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1356.49 In reply to 1356.48 
There is an another solution ;)
a very little button on the left of "Moi home" like * permit to have a variety of colors when you click on it !
(only for the up menu) so every body can choose his color :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1356.50 In reply to 1356.49 
Hi Pilou, can you add that to the wishlist?

It sounds like it would be fun, but I don't think I have enough time to do that right now.

There are also some images used on that home page, so I would have to create several different versions of those for each color.

If you'd like to customize it, you can try this Firefox plugin:, which allows you override the default styles on a web site and specify your own.

I think it would be possible for you to use that to customize the MoI web page if you really really want to do that right now.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
Updated login page with title at the top.

Updated header/title and background of forms (seen on login page, options pages, etc...)

Unfunk-ified buttons, switched to just use standard browser buttons instead of purple buttons.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1356.52 In reply to 1356.50 
Added ;)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
Simplified attachments dialog a bit more.

Tuned up forum search - by default the date range is everything. Previously the default search range was only back 1 month.

Fixed some problems with search keyword parsing.

Changed mysql "stop list" so that it is possible to search on more terms for example "second".
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 From:  Michael Gibson
Some more tune-ups to forum search - expanded the amount of text shown for each item in search results left-side column.

Fixed incorrect display of some characters like > displaying as &gt; in the results column.

Overall the forum search seems to be working a lot better now.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
Updates to attachments:

New "Insert images inline" button, which appears on the attachment dialog after images have been uploaded. It shows up below the list of attachments, next to the Delete button. This button can be pushed to copy all the image attachments into your message as tags if you want the images to show up as full size mixed in with your text instead of the default method which shows them as thumbnails all at the end of your message. This replaces the old method of copy/pasting the URL in order to do this.

There is now a warning displayed if you fill in the Filename: field, but close the attachments window before pushing "Upload".

BMP files are disabled, and there is a message displayed to use JPG or PNG files instead.

Please let me know if you encounter any problems with attachments.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1356.56 In reply to 1356.55 
Seems easy :)

and working like a charm :)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1356.57 In reply to 1356.56 
Thanks for testing it Pilou!

Since the automatic thumbnail images were added, it seems like for most regular cases those work best.

But I still wanted to have a way to get them inline into the message more easily than the old copy/paste method.

This will sure save me a lot of copy/paste of the image addresses! :)

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
Updated header at top and bottom of thread list.

Tweaked color of active thread in the thread list to match the color of the message header.

I think that's just about all that I am going to do for cosmetic tweaks to the forum.

The main things left that I am going to mess with are the "Start" page (the one that says "Welcome to the MoI forum" on the right-hand side when you first enter the forum, I may be able to put some useful stuff over here), and also trying to get the forum indexed by Google better.

- Michael
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 From:  tyglik
1356.59 In reply to 1356.58 
Shouldn't the thread items have an indents at both left and right side so the header nad items border would align to each other? ;) -Petr

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1356.60 In reply to 1356.59 
Hi Petr, I'm not too sure about that because every indent on that lower part takes away some space for the thread title text. I really want to try and maximize the area for that text so that as many cases as possible may fit on a single line...

I originally tried not indenting that new header part, but when the browser window was maximized the left side was totally flush with the left edge of the screen and the roundy part didn't quite look right squished over there.

That's the reasoning behind that...

I'm not sure that it looks bad enough to mess with - if it did need to be changed I would probably want to leave the list with no padding and change that top bar to be just a rectangular block that also had not padding instead of a roundy thing.

- Michael
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