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 From:  Michael Gibson
1356.3 In reply to 1356.2 
Hi Pilou, I'm not sure about the font but I think it would be nice to give it a try for a couple days or so to see how it works out.

Also I should be able to set up a few different forum styles that have different fonts for them and let you have a choice.

I noticed that in the French forum, the message subject lines seem to have had the accents messed up as a side effect from the upgrade, but the message bodies seem fine. It looks like I should be able to repair the messed up subject lines.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1356.4 In reply to 1356.3 
Yes accents works fine in body text, but not in the titles ;)
Loading threads seems more longer than previous : is that normal?

EDITED: 9 Feb 2008 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1356.5 In reply to 1356.4 
Hi Pilou, it does seem to be quite a bit slower. I will be investigating that today to see about fixing it.

- Michael
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 From:  Daniele (BADANS)
1356.6 In reply to 1356.5 
I'm with Pilou, the new fonts are a little messy to read.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1356.7 In reply to 1356.6 
Yeah maybe it is a little too "airy" for denser sections of text.

But I do like other parts about it though, maybe I'll see about using it only for the "UI" part of the forum and have message content in another font...

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1356.8 In reply to 1356.6 
Ok, this is probably better.

- Michael


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1356.9 In reply to 1356.8 
Yep, this one is more readable :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1356.10 In reply to 1356.4 
The slow display of threads has been fixed!

Next I'll see about fixing the scrambled accents in the thread titles.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1356.11 In reply to 1356.10 
Personal messages are now enabled again, I had disabled them temporarily to see if they were causing the slow down, but they weren't responsible.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1356.12 In reply to 1356.9 
Hi Pilou, I believe I have fixed the messed up accents in thread titles.

Can you please check it out and see if it is ok now?

Also please test creating a new thread with some accents in the title and body and see if that works ok. Thanks!

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
Ok - as far as I know everything is now running smoothly here.

Please let me know if you see anything wrong with the forum.

I'll be doing a few more mostly cosmetic tune-ups tomorrow.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1356.14 In reply to 1356.12 
Accents in tittle and message : done!
Seems to work like a charm :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Tommy (THOMASHELZLE)

I think the most pressing thing now is to enable the formating toolbar for normal messages, so people can directly embedd images with ease - clicking on links doesn't really cut it IMO ;-)

This would be more logical as well, since currently one DOES get the toolbar when editing the posted message afterwards....

Otherwise I like the new font - only the threadlist is getting a bit long...

What I am not totally convinced of is the blue bar on top of the site itself.
MoI has such a nice GUI, but this blue bar looks "suboptimal" - like a preset from a webeditor... ;-)
The website could use a more professional and MoI-like look IMO as well as some really impressive examples...

Well, I'm sure this will grow over time just as MoI did :-)

Thank you!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1356.16 In reply to 1356.15 
Hi Tommy, thanks for the feedback!

I definitely want to set up an easier insert image method, and also a gallery for the main web site is in the plans as well.

- Michael
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 From:  Danierhina (BRAVA)
1356.17 In reply to 1356.16 
why in the forum there's not possible to see the preview of image??
Is my problem?
i use IE7 or Safary for windows
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1356.18 In reply to 1356.17 
Hi Daniel,

> why in the forum there's not possible to see the preview of image??
> Is my problem?

It's not your problem - image previews (like a small thumbnail display) don't happen automatically by a browser, it is something that has to be coded into the forum itself, and this forum does not do that right now.

I am going to try and work on something to make it easier to insert an image directly inline into a message instead of only as an attachment link, that should help.

But I assume that here you are talking about images added as a file attachment - can you see the images in this post ok:

- Michael
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 From:  Danierhina (BRAVA)
1356.19 In reply to 1356.18 
Hi michael...thank's for help me

now you update forum if i understand....i'd like to have a forum like a maxwellrender forum, you know?
Is very beatiful and work good...
I hope you understand my english..
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1356.20 In reply to 1356.19 
Hi Daniel, is there something about this forum that is not working well for you?

If you can let me know what part is not working well for you I might be able to fix it up.

- Michael
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 From:  Danierhina (BRAVA)
1356.21 In reply to 1356.20 
no michael there's not problem for me...maybe one...i don't attach image for my avatar and i don't see the avatar image of other user...

This things is not important i think but is "piacevoli"...i don't know how traslate this...:)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1356.22 In reply to 1356.21 
Hi Daniel, yeah the avatars do not display inside threads right now, only in a visitors log page which I have turned off currently.

My major focus for the forum is to make it simple and easy to use, making it really flashy is not really a #1 goal.

But I am still working on tuning up some pieces, and that will include some visual stuff.

It may be hard to get avatars to display inside message threads without it taking up a lot of space.

The nice thing about this forum is that it presents a lot of information on one single page, like list of threads and active thread simultaneously visible, so it is really quick to browse a lot of things without needing a lot of back-and-forth navigation between totally separate pages.

- Michael
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