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 From:  Michael Gibson
1328.25 In reply to 1328.24 
Hi Rob,

> I am having a little trouble creating some planar surfaces which are a
> bit twisted but im perhaps asking the impossible!

MoI will eventually have a tool for creating a kind of non-planar fill like this, but I wasn't able to get it in for version 1.0 .

If you can post a .3dm model file of your outline curves, I can try to give some construction ideas.

> Also, whilst your here, is it possible to multiply a spline between two rails
> like a 2 rail sweep - instead of just the one rail?

You mean a 2-rail version of Transform / Array / Curve ? No, there isn't an option for that. If you can get what you want with 2-rail sweep, you can copy some of the generated edge curves by selecting the edges and using Copy / Paste, I'm not sure if that will help you.

> Or some way of equally dividing up a surface creating edges that can
> then be used to sweep objects along? Maybe that's a version 2 tool as well!

There is something planned for v2 which is called "extract isocurve", which I think will do what you are asking for here.

You may be able to get an equivalent now by placing a line across the surface and then using Construct / Curve / Project, with the "closest pt" option to project the line on to the surface.

If you can post a .3dm model file with some of the curves and/or surfaces that you are trying to work with it would help me to give you more specific tips.

- Michael
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 From:  rhodesy
Thanks michael,

No need to worry, im not trying to create anything specific - i just like to test software to distrctution and ask myself "what if i needed to do this....." Moi is deffinately a great tool for architectural construction elements (what i would be using it for) and im sure it will only get better.

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