Do we have a clear develop map?
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 From:  Ewan Huzarmie (EWANHUZARMIE)
131.8 In reply to 131.4 
A basic quick render would be a nice feature for a later date; however, you may want to take a page from another "modeling-only" program. Since most, if not all, rendering packages on the market support a command line interface, why not offer the ability to the send the scene directly to a 3rd party renderer via command line? That way, it circumvents not being able to render an image without either closing MoI and Opening the scene in another package, or running both packages simultaneously.

Just my two cents.
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 From:  skello (ISAAC)
131.9 In reply to 131.8 
I think a renderer should be last on the todo list.
A few general export formats to get your model into a package of choice for rendering/surfacing/animation are really all thats needed at the moment.
I just would be happy with a feature that hides or fades the construction lines for now... just to be able to preview a clean smooth shaded model.

+ loading background images into the views would be great too..... i can almost not do without them :)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
131.10 In reply to 131.9 
> A few general export formats

Some of these are coming very soon...

> I just would be happy with a feature that hides or fades the construction lines for now...

Under Options, you can uncheck "Display hidden-line edges", that will clear up the display somewhat. Also if you select edges, you can also hide them just with Edit/Hide. Eventually I will add a quick option to turn on or off display of all edges entirely.

> + loading background images into the views would be great too.....

This one is not going to make it for the next beta, I've put the focus on export formats first. But it is high on the priority list, I expect to work on it for the one after the next beta.

- Michael
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 From:  skello (ISAAC)
131.11 In reply to 131.10 
awesome!!.... i can't wait for the exporters... then i can actually show some cool results
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