Patch update available for last beta
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1257.10 In reply to 1257.9 
Hi Will, the last beta is not due to expire until Feb 28th.

But it can get confused if your computer's clock is set forward. Please go to Start / Control Panel / Date and Time and make sure your computer's clock is set correctly, pay special attention to the month and year.

Once it has expired, it will stay expired even if you correct your clock - please send me an e-mail at and I can help you get running again.

- Michael
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 From:  WillBellJr
1257.11 In reply to 1257.10 
Thanks, it's okay - I had copied the older patch DLL into the MOI folder. Once I copied the Dec patch, it started up fine!

I guess I didn't pay attention to which ZIP I dbl-clicked :-p (I deleted the old one to avoid that again.)

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