Custom Interface
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1173.4 In reply to 1173.1 
> - where can I choose the default font for menus ? Is there a way
> to use a specific font, and how can I include it in MOI's Folders ?

The global font is set in moi.ini:

UIFontName=Century Gothic

The default is Century Gothic if you have it available (like if you have MS Office installed), otherwise Arial.

You can change the .ini file to globally change the font used - this font gets applied to the style of the <body> element of each UI panel, and it will actually override anything set in CSS that is applied to the body. So if you want one type of thing to have a different font than everything else you may need to apply a somewhat more fancy CSS rule that targets the individual element instead of the <body>

Which kind of menu do you want to change, the pop-up ones like the file menu?

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1173.5 In reply to 1173.3 
Oh yeah, when you separate out those different palettes on the side pane, make sure you don't have any duplicate IDs when you're done.

Like when you move a piece from one container to the other, don't just make a copy of it and leave the old one in place - you need to remove the old one. Duplicate IDs for some of those things like palette tabs will confuse the script that controls clicking on a tab.

- Michael
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 From:  lorem (LOREMBOLO)
1173.6 In reply to 1173.5 
Ok, thx again...for taking time to help me...

about ID, it's exactly the mistake I made.....
about font family...I would like to incorporate a personal font (like eurostile, or system), but that's not the most important...

Ok, I go to tweak all that...
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 From:  lorem (LOREMBOLO)
1173.7 In reply to 1173.6 
I finnaly got it !!!

Here is the screen :

Here is the code :

		<moi:PaletteHeader id="MyHeader" activeTab="MyTab" ontabchange="HandleTabChange( this );">
                        <td><moi:TabButton id="MyTab" class="SingleTabButton">
                            <moi:Text textid="Draw solid tab"/></moi:TabButton></td>
		<moi:PaletteBody id="MyBody" >        
    		<table id="MyTabContent">
                    	<td><moi:CommandButton style="icon:icons/PlaneSetIcon.png;" commandSet="planes">
                        	<moi:Text textid="Plane"/></moi:CommandButton></td>
                    	<td><moi:CommandButton style="icon:icons/BoxSetIcon.png;" commandSet="boxes">
                        	<moi:Text textid="Box"/></moi:CommandButton></td>
                     	<td><moi:CommandButton style="icon:icons/SphereIcon.png;" command="sphere">
                            <moi:Text textid="Sphere"/></moi:CommandButton></td>
						<td><moi:CommandButton style="icon:icons/CylinderIcon.png;" command="cylinder">
                        	<moi:Text textid="Cylinder"/></moi:CommandButton></td>
                       <td><moi:CommandButton style="icon:icons/ConeIcon.png;" command="cone">
							<moi:Text textid="Cone"/></moi:CommandButton></td>
                       <td><moi:CommandButton style="icon:icons/TextIcon.png;" command="text">
                       		<moi:Text textid="Text"/></moi:CommandButton></td>
                       <td><moi:Text text="Cylinder"/></td>

One thing important I discovered while correcting some bugs : the ID of the table (wich contains icons and commands) must be exactly named like this :

<moi:TabButton id="MyTab".....>
<table id="MyTabContent">

Is it right Michael?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1173.8 In reply to 1173.6 
Hi lorem,

> about font family...I would like to incorporate a personal font
> (like eurostile, or system), but that's not the most important...

You can do that with the moi.ini setting if you want the same personal font to be used everywhere. So for example:




You can use any font installed in Windows in that setting. Make sure you have closed MoI first before editing the moi.ini file.

If you only want to change the font in one area of the UI, then that is when you need to use font-family in CSS.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1173.9 In reply to 1173.7 
> One thing important I discovered while correcting some bugs : the ID of the
> table (wich contains icons and commands) must be exactly named like this :
> [ID_of_tab-in_header]+"Content"
> Is it right Michael?

Yup, that's exactly right - sorry I forgot to mention that part.

That's how the tab in the header is associated with the table containing all the command buttons.

- Michael
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 From:  Phil (PHILBO)
1173.10 In reply to 1173.9 
Is there anyway that the code / files for this could be posted? While I really like the original MOI3D Theme / Interface, I really like the look of this setup.
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 From:  lorem (LOREMBOLO)
1173.11 In reply to 1173.10 
I'm working on a complete GUI, I'll post the complete UI directory, with PSD file (containing all icons) when it's done.

if you want to play with, here is the UI directory (custom not finished , eh !! :) )
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 From:  Phil (PHILBO)
1173.12 In reply to 1173.11 
Many thanks!
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 From:  lorem (LOREMBOLO)
1173.13 In reply to 1173.12 
pleasure Phil...

So, next step: by modifying the sidepane html file, I have what I was looking for : All palettes visible on the right...

Perfect for 1280x1024 :)
of course, You can hide these palettes if you have smaller screen

That's obviously not finished ( colors...arg :( )

If you want to test it, the ui directory is attached....

Let me know what your feelings ....


PS : Michael, your work is brilliant...Ui is so simple to custom (with few skills of css/xml) .
It is a real pleasure to tweak all the options, keys, scripts.... ;)
It makes me feel like I'm still a programmer !!



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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1173.14 In reply to 1173.13 
Seems you have a very big screen ? ;)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  lorem (LOREMBOLO)
1173.15 In reply to 1173.14 
lol... 2x19"

If only I could move palettes on the second monitor......
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 From:  Richard (RUSIRIUS)
Nice interface!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1173.17 In reply to 1173.15 
Hi lorem,

> If only I could move palettes on the second monitor......

Actually, it may be possible to set this up by using a dialog.

For an example, put this on a keyboard shortcut and trigger it:
script:moi.ui.createDialog( 'SidePane.htm' );

There are some complications, like the little sub-menus under Circles for example will only show up on the main Side pane, not on the floating one. But I think if you were to remove the main side pane (edit MainWindowLayout.xml) it would probably work in the floating one instead, I didn't try that though.

Also you would probably want to turn off the palette collapsing in this case, that should be possible by editing SidePaneTabs.js and just commenting out everything inside of the CompactPaletteHeaders() function.

You can also pass a second parameter to createDialog to set some different options:
script:moi.ui.createDialog( 'SidePane.htm', 'resizeable,defaultWidth:700,defaultHeight:500' );

You would probably want to set 'resizeable' since then the dialog won't change in size to fit to its contents when different pieces of the contents are hidden or shown.

By default the dialog will not open automatically, to do that you would need to put the createDialog() call into a .js file (remove the script: at the front for this one), and then modify the shortcut that you use to start MoI to pass the full path to the .js file (put "quotes" around it if it has any spaces in it) as a command line parameter to moi.exe and then it will run that script when it starts.

That may give you some more ideas to mess with! :)

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1173.18 In reply to 1173.13 
> PS : Michael, your work is brilliant...Ui is so simple to custom (with few skills of css/xml) .
> It is a real pleasure to tweak all the options, keys, scripts.... ;)
> It makes me feel like I'm still a programmer !!
> lol

Thanks lorem, I'm glad that you are enjoying it! :)

Basically I developed this kind of flexible infrastructure first before really digging in to designing the main program UI.

Making it easy to make changes and experiment with different UIs was really important to me. It let me try many different approaches and tweak things in various ways easily before arriving at the current UI.

Some people in the past have asked why I didn't use a cross-platform UI toolkit like Qt when developing MoI. The above is the reason why - I just would not have really been able to arrive at the current UI with a toolkit that is less flexible and more dependent on being defined by C++ code instead of markup with layout capabilities (text wrapping, etc..). I just would not have been able to go through as many design cycles and experiment as freely.

As an added bonus, the same flexibility that enabled me to develop the current UI is also still present for you to change it to your own preferences!

- Michael
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1173.19 In reply to 1173.18 
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 From:  Fake Pilot (FAKEPILOT)
Is there a newer UI version to this edit that works for MoI v3 beta Aug-1-2013 or MoI v2.52?
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 From:  bemfarmer
1173.21 In reply to 1173.20 

EDITED: 26 Oct 2013 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1173.22 In reply to 1173.20 
Hi Fake Pilot,

> Is there a newer UI version to this edit that works for MoI v3 beta Aug-1-2013 or MoI v2.52?

No, not as far as I know. The UI version in this thread here is from 2007 so that's for Moi version 1.0

The UI engine changed in MoI v3 (and also for 2.52 which is an early branch of v3) and so custom UIs that were built for v1 will not work directly with v3 or v2.52.

- Michael
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 From:  Fake Pilot (FAKEPILOT)
1173.23 In reply to 1173.22 
Hi Michael,

I just purchased MoI. Been playing with it all day long and starting to really like it. Some things are VERY clever. :-)
I'm a motion designer and web designer. Curious about how the css and html renders in the UI. What browser engine is it?

And, how would I best edit it? Could I just drag the whole ui folder to a web browser and start editing? Could I copy the ui folder to a localhost:5000 server and see it live?

EDITED: 26 Oct 2013 by FAKEPILOT

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