Dimension Properties
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 From:  Michael Gibson
11669.2 In reply to 11669.1 
Hi wisty,

> When dimensioning objects to produce a drawing, I can go into Options and create a number of presets
> in addition to the default. However when I create a dimension on the drawing itself there seems to be no
> way of selecting a particular preset set of properties other than the one selected in Options.

When you create a dimension, there is a "Preset" dropdown option in the command options area.

You can click on it to choose which preset will be used for the new dimension. (see image below)

One thing to note is that the presets other than "Default" are stored in .3dm files. To have them show up in a new file you can either set a .3dm file with the presets saved in it as the template file under Options > General > Template file, or you can import them into the current file using Options > Dimensions > Import.

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
11669.3 In reply to 11669.2 
Also the Text and Leader commands show a dialog so there's more room to enter text. For these commands the Preset option is in the dialog instead.

- Michael
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