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 From:  probotix
11543.33 In reply to 11543.32 
Yeah, not trying to add or edit the control points, but it wont let me add a point to the curve. It adds the point to the control points. The only way I can find to split the curve is to trim it with a line.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
11543.34 In reply to 11543.33 
Hi Len, what is it you are trying to accomplish by adding a point to the curve?

> The only way I can find to split the curve is to trim it with a line.

The Trim command is the right tool to use for splitting an arc into 2 arc pieces.

If you want to cut it at a particular point you don't have to use a line, there is an "Add trim points" button that you can use to pick a splitting point on the curve.

- Michael
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 From:  probotix
11543.35 In reply to 11543.34 
I have added an origin point selector so that you can select the point that you want to be X0 Y0 of the gcode, plus some code cleanup after Michael helped me solve my clockwise/counterclockwise problem.

I have been cutting parts with this all day on the Haas. Its saving me a ton of time, wasted parts, and broken tools already. I'm in the middle of a new product roll-out and building the production code is the most painful part.

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