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 From:  gamedev
1142.3 In reply to 1142.2 
I took your advice - but also checked off "swap twist and tilt." I also reduced the scale of pan speed and zoom speed to 0.5.

Feels very familiar now.

However, if you are polar orbiting an object and pass under the ground plane so that you are looking at your object upside down, the twist controls invert... Perhaps intermittently... A right-twist will sometimes twist you to the left.

This behaviour does not occur in 3DSMax.

I will try to confirm this 100%.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1142.4 In reply to 1142.3 
Hi gamedev, I'm glad that feels more familiar now.

re: upside down - there is a kind of natural reversal that happens when you flip upside down. Imagine if you took a clock and set it flat on a table and watch the direction that the clock hands are moving. If you flip the clock upside down, it would appear from your same view that the hands are moving in the reverse direction.

That's basically what happens in MoI when you flip upside down.

It would be possible to reverse things when you flip upside down, but that will mean a kind of sudden shift in direction when you cross over the top pole.

What happens in 3DSMax if you use the SpaceNavigator to twist in 2 directions at the same time, like moving with some left-right and also up-down rotation all at once - do you see a kind of bounce when you cross over to being upside down?

- Michael
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