Here is a fender I modeled in MOI3D as per a tutorial here by Ed Ferguson.
I then import the fender into Blender where I retopo it.
Exported from MOI3D as an obj and imported into Blender. Not the quad/tri count is 14,312. A bit too high for my liking.
I use the commercial plugin Quad Remesher for auto retopo after setting the target quad count. Below is the result with 2531 quads/tris
The only issue I have is with the actual car bodies. I still can not get the hang of it. But for car parts like fenders, wheel rims, I beam or tubular front axles like those used in classic pickup trucks, model As, hot rods and gassers, MOI3D is much better than Blender. I also find MOI3D is much easier and faster to create these parts. I am considering on attempting to model a detailed engine block like a small block Chevy V8, classic Hemi or Flat Head Ford (already created one started in Hexagon3D and finished with Blender but I lacks true scale and dimensions.