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 From:  Michael Gibson
1139.18 In reply to 1139.17 
Hi Juan, that's great!

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1139.19 In reply to 1139.16 
Hi Bernard,

> But maybe some of the most useful or "popular" commands should
> become an integral part of MoI interface (accessible from their own Icon
> in the main window). I tend to forget that some of them exist (like "ShrinkTrimmedSrf")
> if they are just accessible through shortcuts... ;-)))

Yeah, I just need to find kind of a tidy place to put them.

Like ShrinkTrimmedSrf for instance can be useful in the right circumstance, but on the other hand quite a lot of people will never need to use it. So I don't really want to place it at the same level as more frequently used things.

I'll be working on finding a place in the UI to stash some of these types of things.

Also for extra plug-ins I'm thinking of having a "Plug-ins" icon down on the bottom toolbar, I was thinking to the left of Options. That would bring up a text menu with all the available custom/extra plug-ins in it so that would be an easier way to browse through them visually instead of remembering keyboard shortcuts.

- Michael
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
1139.20 In reply to 1139.19 
I am hoping you will add "Incremental Save" as an alternative in the Save Icon on the desktop---please!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1139.21 In reply to 1139.20 
Hi Brian, it is kind of tough to add too many things across there because it is a pretty tight fit on a 1024x768 screen.

But it is possible to edit the UI and add that button in there now if you want.

The file that controls that bottom toolbar UI is here:
C:\Program Files\MoI beta Nov-18-2007\ui\CommandBar.htm

You can edit that file with notepad to add buttons to the UI.

I've attached an edited version here that adds an "Inc" button next to Save, to do an incremental save. Unzip it, and copy this new CommandBar.htm over top of the old in in that \ui folder.

You'll need to repeat this in future installs though, so you may want to keep a note of this procedure.

- Michael

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 From:  Paul (AIRGLASS)
Hi, all
Thought I'd throw in my 2 cents,
I've been using an added tab for extra command buttons at the bottom of the side pane for a few months, so I thought I'd throw this out there, maybe someone will find it useful --
Instructions and files to set it up are in the zip. Hope this helps!


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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
Thanks Michael/Paul. I hope I can work out howto!---more learning..............
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