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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1137.13 In reply to 1137.12 
@lish : you have not good seen the Tyglik's example ;)
Your second rail is not at the good place ;)
Try another combinaison!
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EDITED: 19 Nov 2007 by PILOU

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 From:  tyglik
1137.14 In reply to 1137.12 
Hi Lish, what I meant when I said "some corner" was, if you copy the rail into the appropriate corner, then it should work :)
Just move the one of the rail curve into the opposite corner, so they will be in the same height at the Top viewport. -Petr
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 From:  Lish (KHOLISH)
1137.15 In reply to 1137.14 
@ Pilou & Petr..

I see now.
I just can do that in SWX



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 From:  tyglik
1137.16 In reply to 1137.15 
Yep, "me too" in Rhino... I guess Michael is going to tune it up for V2.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1137.17 In reply to 1137.8 
Hi Nimi - for version 1.0 MoI does not handle mitering on a rail that has sharp corners in it.

Instead right now it will just sweep each segment of the rail as if it was an individual line segment, that's what gives the result that you are seeing.

But actually for the shape you are creating in this case, I would recommend drawing a vertical profile and then using extrude to punch it out to the side like this:

I am definitely planning on adding in corner mitering for sweep in version 2.0 though, I just didn't have time to get to it for version 1.0 .

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1137.18 In reply to 1137.10 
Hi Thomas, I've heard some good things about ShareIt - at the moment I'm planning on using Plimus which is very similar.

Re: licensing - node-locking / dongles

I still haven't exactly figured this out yet, but I really don't want to do a dongle since I'd rather avoid needing to actually ship physical stuff around...

If I do end up with some kind of node-locking, I do want to set it up to work on at least 2 machines. I don't want to have to make people contact me all the time either! That's why I may not go with node locking, to just reduce complexity and potential additional required support. But I need to dig into it for a bit to really evaluate pros and cons.

Thank you for your feedback and encouragement!

- Michael
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 From:  Michael T. (MICTU_UTCIM)
1137.19 In reply to 1137.1 
Thanks again Michael G. I look forward to testing it. Looking forward to V1.0 as well :-)
Michael Tuttle a.k.a. mictu
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 From:  Schbeurd
>>> Also now if you push F1 or click the help button while you are running a command, the reference section will open to the entry for that command.

Hmmm, If I understand correctly, you mean that if I'm pressing F1 while running the Extrude command (for example) the help file must open at the place where Extrude is explained. It always opens at the table of content here.

And one question... If I look for help on one feature, it will open an Internet Explorer window. Then, if I'm clicking "Help" for another feature a bit later, it will open another window. Is it how you want it to be ? Personally, I would prefer that only one window remains open and that the content updates if I look for help on another feature.
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1137.21 In reply to 1137.20 
>Is it how you want it to be ? Personally, I would prefer that only one window remains open and that the content updates if I look for help on another feature.

Good point but personally, I would prefer a pop up window with in the app.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1137.22 In reply to 1137.20 
< Hmmm, If I understand correctly, you mean that if I'm pressing F1 while running the Extrude command (for example) the help file must open at the place where Extrude is explained. It always opens at the table of content here.
I believe yes until you have not draw something it's the Command help, after drawing somthing the General help ;)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Schbeurd
To be more precise...
When no command is selected, MoI opens the moi_help.htm file.
When a command runs, MoI opens the moi_command_reference.htm file but not at the entry for that specific command.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1137.24 In reply to 1137.23 
< When a command runs, MoI opens the moi_command_reference.htm file but not at the entry for a specific command
more precise :)
if you clic on the circle function then F1 you arrive on the circle help
if you clic on the circle function then draw a circle and then F1 you arrive on the moi_command_reference.htm
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Schbeurd
1137.25 In reply to 1137.24 
>>> if you clic on the circle function then F1 you arrive on the circle help
if you clic on the circle function then draw a circle and then F1 you arrive on the moi_command_reference.htm

Not here... ;-)) This is why I reported a possible problem (Internet Explorer 7)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1137.26 In reply to 1137.20 
Hi Bernard,

> Hmmm, If I understand correctly, you mean that if I'm pressing F1 while
> running the Extrude command (for example) the help file must open at the
> place where Extrude is explained. It always opens at the table of content here.

It seems that it doesn't work on IE7 - on IE6 or Firefox it works fine. I think it might be an IE7 bug, I'll see if I can do anything to work around it.

> Then, if I'm clicking "Help" for another feature a bit later, it will open another
> window. Is it how you want it to be ?

Not really - but it is kind of a side effect of using just plain HTML in a browser neutral way. I could get it to re-use the same window if I only opened up Internet Explorer to display the file, then I could talk to IE using some of its specific interfaces. But that might be kind of surprising to people who have set up Firefox or something else as their browser instead of IE...

- Michael
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 From:  Schbeurd
1137.27 In reply to 1137.26 

OK, thanks. I hope you'll find some kind of workaround. Not really a problem for me.

Do you still plan to have a printable (PDF) version of the help file ? One I can study while I'm in the train... ;-))
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1137.28 In reply to 1137.27 
Hi Bernard, yeah what happens is I tell the web browser to open a page like this: file:///.../moi_command_reference.htm#extrude , and IE7 cruelly decides to throw out the #extrude part that is supposed to tell it which internal part to jump to.

I think I can figure out if the browser is IE7 and then use some of its more specialized interfaces to make it go to the right spot.

> Do you still plan to have a printable (PDF) version of the help file ?

Yup! Pretty much I'm just going to glue it all together into one file and print it using one of those PDF printers to make the PDF version.

- Michael
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 From:  Val (GAT)
thanks Michael!!!!
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