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 From:  Michael Gibson
1132.5 In reply to 1132.1 
By the way I love your final renderings, and the design of the house itself is very interesting! I especially like the big kitchen area with the island type layout for the stove and sink. I wish my kitchen was more like that.

It looks like a kind of beach day cottage? Is the living room also a bedroom?

- Michael
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 From:  andras
1132.6 In reply to 1132.5 

Thank you for your tips.. it's make better MoI environment...really fater
Yes, it is an cottage beach house and just 60 m2 that's why the living room and the bed room is same area.
I think it is enjoyable than If I would planed two separate rooms.

Thanks again
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1132.7 In reply to 1132.6 
Hi Andras,

> it's make better MoI environment...really fater

Definitely! But the actual basic polygon drawing itself is already heavily optimized - the main methods that I need to use to speed things up further will be to reduce the amount of stuff being drawn, and to try and be more efficient about the number of polygons that are being generated. That's enough work that I won't be able to put that into version 1.0, it will have to wait until I start in on version 2.0 .

Also a wireframe display mode would certainly help a lot for more complex scenes.

I just haven't had time yet to focus on a number of issues for more complex models yet - for version 1.0 I kind of wanted to focus on making simple objects work well as a kind of starting point.

> I think it is enjoyable than If I would planed two separate rooms.

I think so too! I just didn't see much bedroom type furniture in your rendering of the living room, so I wasn't sure if it was intended to be used as a bedroom as well.

- Michael
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