MoI's Future- Mac Version?
 1-19  20-23

Thanks in advance and sorry for all the questions, is just I am trying to understand (my name is dummy).
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1103.21 In reply to 1103.19 
Hi yannada, MoI is also currently using Microsoft's Active Scripting mechanism to run its scripts.

Microsoft's Active Scripting system kind of provides an overall harness and the actual scripts are run by different scripting engines which can implement different scripting languages.

At some point in Rhino's development (I guess starting with v3?) they decided to only support the VBScript engine for Rhino scripts. One problem with this is that VBScript is a proprietary Microsoft language, as far as I know there are no portable implementations of a VBScript interpreter that can run that script code in a non-Microsoft environment. So that decision kind of caused an extra roadblock for porting Rhino.

For MoI, I have written all the scripts using the JavaScript language instead. JavaScript is an open standard language, and there are various different interpreters available that can run .js code on different operating systems.

So for MoI scripting language support itself is not such a big porting issue.

However, that does not mean that it will be easy to port MoI - it only means that there probably isn't an issue with this one specific thing.

There are still plenty of other issues that make it difficult to port MoI anytime soon aside from this.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
and it's not so difficult to found anywhere somebody for lend a Pc for some minutes ;)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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>For MoI, I have written all the scripts using the JavaScript language...COOL

Thank for you prompt answer, learnig every day.
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