What's wrong with UVs ?

 From:  knightxor

What's wrong with UVs ??

I'm sure NURBS should have perfect tiled unwrap , maybe I don't understand something ? (I'm new to nurbs)

UVs from Moi look perfect but only in planar - vertical faces are shrinked and distorted to fit uv space :/ and uv islands are stacked one on another.
Will there be an option in commercial Moi for Uvs friendly export ? One point for using NURBS is that you don't have do any uvmapping later.

I'd like use MOI for architectural modeling I want to use textures and uvmapping straight from Moi,does it make any sense ?
What is your workflow or workaround ?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1055.2 In reply to 1055.1 
Hi knightxor,

The way it works right now is that each different surface will generate uv coordinates that span the entire texture rectangle from 0,0 to 1,1.

I do want to improve this in the future but I don't expect to have it done for version 1.0 .

For now you need to use a polygon modeling program to edit the texture coordinates with a "pack" or "separate" type function.

> One point for using NURBS is that you don't have do any uvmapping later.

Yes, but the automatic mapping follows the structure of the surface, so if your surface is stretched in one direction the mapping is also stretched in one direction same as the surface. I may be able to tune this up in some situations when I get a chance to work on UV coordinate packing for version 2.0 .

- Michael
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 From:  jbshorty
@ Knightxor - As Michael explained, the UV's of a Nurbs surface do span exactly from 0,0 to 1,1 but they are spaced according to the density of isoparms in the surface. So where you have a relatively flat or stretched area it might have expanded UVs and where you have more isoparms (to hold a tight curvature) then you might have compressed UVs. In other programs you might rebuild (or reparameterize) a surface, thus increasing the # of isoparms and also spreading them evenly by distance in the U and V directions. But the shape of the surface also changes when you do this. Sometimes you have to give up one thing to gain something else... But I am totally with you on the idea of UV nesting. In fact i requested it myself for V2...

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 From:  knightxor
Hi Michael !

Moi is amazing , if you could do something with UVs I'm sure it would be BIG selling point for a lot people, the problem with with nurbs meshes
is they are heavy triangulated so you can't select loop to mark seam easily in 3D app you must select whole loop edge by edge which can be painful and time consuming.

I would see it like that :

- possible to perfectly unwrap mesh to tiled uv map (like Zbrush but with continuity ) or
- maybe possible ? to cut uwmap along selected isoparms in Moi like in this thread (jbshorty) http://moi3d.com/forum/messages.php?webtag=MOI&msg=836.12

I mean some kind of texture friendly uvmapping feature.

Think about this because it could open Moi to whole new market - for people who want to use textures instead of shaders.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1055.5 In reply to 1055.4 
Hi knightxor, I'm already convinced that this is a good idea, so it is definitely on my list of stuff to add.

It will take a fair amount of work to achieve it so it just is not something that I am able to fit inside the schedule for releasing version 1.0 .

It just isn't practical for me to add every single possible feature to the initial 1.0 version, there will be a lot of things that will have to wait for a little while before I have time to make them happen.

Until then, there are some programs that are able to separate these UVs into different regions without any kind of manual selection at all, I think Blender has this capability and Modo also has it with their new version. Maybe someone familiar with those would be able to give you the right details on which function or button you push to make that happen.

So it should be possible for you to achieve what you want without much effort using some other existing uv editing tool. It would be better for MoI to do it automatically but until then I don't think you should be totally blocked from achieving this result....

If you aren't able to find another tool that handles this easily, let me know and I will research it in some more depth to help you find the right editing tool to do the job.

- Michael
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