Hi Pilou - that script had this in it originally:
<...> moi.view.lineWidth = 4; v.renderToClipboard( 2560, 2560 ); moi.view.lineWidth = 1; <...>
Notice that there are 2 spots that are setting the line width - it set it to be wider before the call to renderToClipboard(), and then set it back to 1 after. If you want to change this script, you should only modify the first one, and leave the second one to set it back to 1 which restores it.
> In the Option dialog window the button "Restore Defaults" restore also the Shortcut key scripts?
> I don't try it for not lose the all scripts in case of :)
Nope, nothing to worry about, it will leave your shortcut keys alone. :) The only thing that will delete shortcut keys is using the "Delete" button on that shortcut key page.
But it might not be a bad idea to make a back up copy of your moi.ini file just in case, that would make it easy for you to restore whatever settings you need later, all settings are saved in there.
Also when you push "Restore defaults", you then get a choice for whether to restore all defaults or just the ones for the current section. In this case if you go to the View section in Options, you can then use the "just current section" option to get line width back to the default without altering settings on other sections.
- Michael