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 From:  BurrMan
1049.34 In reply to 1049.33 
Very nice Ambimind, Me likey!! Thanks for sharing it.
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 From:  rosto
1049.35 In reply to 1049.20 
This is a wonderful thing - changing the line thickness!
Is there a solution to change the line tips to rounded like in Illustrator?
What would not appear gaps at the corners.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1049.36 In reply to 1049.35 
Hi rosto,

> Is there a solution to change the line tips to rounded like in Illustrator?

Not with this particular method since it's using the realtime viewport display engine which is heavily oriented for speed.

But you should get rounded line tips if you generate a drawing by exporting to PDF, AI, or SVG formats instead of using this screen display capture method.

- Michael
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 From:  Rudl
This is a screenshot of a pyramid with a lot of stones. Can I avoid the interferences with a pdf and how are the settings.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
1049.38 In reply to 1049.37 
Hi Rudl, I'm not sure if PDF export will have less of a Moiré pattern but it would be worth a try. Give it a try with default settings.

You may need to adjust the image in an image processing program to reduce that kind of pattern, search for something like "Moire pattern removal" to get some information on that.

- Michael
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