Construction line script
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1029.47 In reply to 1029.46 
Hi Dejan,

> Is is somehow possible to change colour of construction lines?

Yes, you can set the color in moi.ini, go to Options > General > "Edit .ini file" button, and then inside moi.ini find the [Drawing Aids] section and there's an entry in there for "StraightSnapLineColor" like this:

[Drawing Aids]

That takes 4 comma-separated values which are for Opacity,Red,Green,Blue - the values can range from 0 to 255.

That controls the color for both construction lines as well as the straight snap lines that show when straight snap is engaged.

- Michael
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 From:  Dejan (XDEXX)
1029.48 In reply to 1029.47 
Thank you Michael! Your support here is absolutely amazing :-)

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