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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Try with an Arc Circle tangent without unity but not sure you can go to the end! :)
(then make a trim not shown here)

or with the function itself...but you must enter some very small number! :)

and i am not sure of what and where you want fillet something!

EDITED: 25 Jan 2021 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
10083.75 In reply to 10083.73 
Hi Marco,

> Could you help me?
> I bought the V4 some days ago but I'm in trouble with many scripts that worked for V3.
> Is there a place (inside this forum) where I can easily get all the necessary infos to get V3 scripts easily working also with V4?
> I hope so.

Yes, this is the place right here. Just list which specific scripts you are having problems with and I will reply here with some information to help you.

Thanks, - Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10083.76 In reply to 10083.71 
Hi WN,

> Hi, Michael.
> The fillet tool does not work with this geometry.
> Will there ever be a fix or always use a workaround?

Actually no there will never be a fix that covers every single type of possible geometric shape because geometry comes in infinite varieties so it isn't possible to test every kind of shape. That's one of the things that makes this a difficult area for software.

But usually there are not a lot of problems in curve filleting compared to solids filleting.

In this case here it's related to the specific "anti-tangent" shape you've made.

For this particular bug a quick workaround is to use Edit > Separate and then select 2 separate curves at a time and do Fillet, followed by Edit > Join. That will avoid the bug in the corner processing for this case which I've added to my list to investigate fixing.

- Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer
Also make sure that the script is the latest version.
I recollect that a few scripts were tweaked to be compatible during the early v4 beta periods...
- Brian
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 From:  WN
10083.78 In reply to 10083.76 
Hi, Michael.
I asked about the corrections only for this case. Because I know that this is a pain for both you and us.
I follow this topic on the forum and try not to ask you tormenting and repetitive questions, but apparently I did not succeed.
Thank you for the proposed solution to the issue, as always, everything is surprisingly simple.
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 From:  mkdm
10083.79 In reply to 10083.75 
Ok Michael.
Thanks a lot!

Well...I've a bunch of scripts...but because right now I can't have enough spare time to devote to this task, I'm going to pospone my request.

Anyway, thanks for the help.

In the next weeks I hope I will start picking some V3 script to be fixed with your help.

See you next time :)
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 From:  WN
Hi, Michael.
Look at the file, it has a Loft for two figures.
I used a rectangle star and a Loft.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
10083.81 In reply to 10083.80 
Hi WN, it seems that there is a slightly different result with one surface malformed depending on the ordering of the profile selection.

In the one on the left if you click on the rectangle first and then click on the star and then do the loft, it generates an ok result. If you click on the star first and then the rectangle second then there is one piece that isn't formed properly.

But in general a loft between curves with a different number of segments with sharp corners will not make a very good result, it's usually better to loft between smaller pieces to control which curve segments will match together. Or split pieces up so that the curves you are lofting between have the same number of segments so they can be matched segment to segment.

So in your case, maybe a reasonable approach would be to set up connections like this:

Then split the rectangle up, and join the pieces together. Then with t here being the same number of segments in each curve they will match segment-to-segment giving this result:

- Michael

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 From:  WN
10083.82 In reply to 10083.81 
Michael, it was spontaneous. I thought if this is a bug, you might need it for analysis.
The pair where norm works equally well regardless of the choice, but I copied them individually.
Probably in the future, this should be ignored and achieve a good result by other means. For example, on your advice.
Thanks for the answer.

EDITED: 3 Feb 2021 by WN

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 From:  Michael Gibson
10083.83 In reply to 10083.82 
Thanks WN, I've got a fix for it prepared for v5 now.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10083.84 In reply to 10083.82 
@WN - the bug there is in the face splitting mechanism in the geometry library. I can avoid the bug by handling dividing it at creases while it is still a surface before it becomes a face with trimming boundary topology.

- MIchael
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 From:  blackd3er77
MoI is a very great tool. The MoI forum is simple, but the people supporting it are very friendly. Thanks for programming this great stuff. I love programming. I love MoI.
Keep working guy... Of course I bought MoI :)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10083.86 In reply to 10083.85 
> MoI is a very great tool. The MoI forum is simple, but the people supporting it are very friendly.
> Thanks for programming this great stuff. I love programming. I love MoI.
> Keep working guy... Of course I bought MoI :)

Thank you!

- Michael
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 From:  jabber (JABBERMACY)

yeah loft does have some odd behaviour
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10083.88 In reply to 10083.87 
Hi jabber,

> https://i.imgur.com/YnMUFg8.png
> yeah loft does have some odd behaviour

Can you please post the .3dm model file with the curves in it that you are lofting? Then I will be able to check if your case is also already fixed for v5 as well.

- Michael
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 From:  jabber (JABBERMACY)
10083.89 In reply to 10083.88 
Attached, 5 side star is main offender

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 From:  Michael Gibson
10083.90 In reply to 10083.89 
Hi jabber,

> Attached, 5 side star is main offender

Thanks - yes this one is also fixed up for the first v5 beta. That shouldn't be too far off I need to wrap up some experiments before it's ready.

- Michael
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 From:  Rudl
Welcome, first V5 Beta
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 From:  Larry Fahnoe (FAHNOE)
10083.92 In reply to 10083.90 
> for the first v5 beta. That shouldn't be too far off I need to wrap up some experiments before it's ready.

Good heavens man, you've barely had time to catch your breath after you finished the wonderful V4 release! I wasn't expecting to see a beta for quite some time, but will now look forward to the V5 beta series. Best wishes for a smooth and satisfying development process!!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
10083.93 In reply to 10083.92 
Hi Larry, well for V4 to V5 there isn't going to be a big internal restructuring like there was from V3 to V4. So the v5 betas will start just as soon as I have some actual useful new stuff working.

- Michael
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