Planar surface command
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10000.4 In reply to 10000.1 
Hi Marky, was this imported from CorelDraw using DXF format by any chance? If so there is a problem with how CorelDraw packages up the spline information in DXF format, it will be fixed up in the next upcoming MoI v4 beta.

For now use PDF format to transfer out from CorelDraw into MoI, that should work better and avoid the problem with control points stacked up on top of each other which is why those curves are not working well for you now.

- Michael
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 From:  mk (MARKY)
Thank you guys.
I never know what is the source of the file the clients send me and I'm aware of these red squares but I've never known how to deal with them.
The Rebuild command works sort of, as the red squares disappear, but a Planar surface is still a problem, see the attachment.

The PDF export procedure definitely does the trick, thanks a lot!
Image Attachments:
Size: 481.8 KB, Downloaded: 14 times, Dimensions: 2061x1304px
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10000.6 In reply to 10000.5 
Hi Marky, was it a DXF file that they sent you?

- Michael
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 From:  mk (MARKY)
10000.7 In reply to 10000.6 
Hi Michael,

- yes, it was.
Please find attached.

But I'm not sure if it's only a CDR export to DXF issue, as often I use an Archicad export to DXF procedure and experience the same issue.
I know, that from Archicad v. 20 there is a direct file export to 3DM, but I own only v. 19 which doesn't have it yet.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
10000.8 In reply to 10000.7 
Hi Marek, thanks for posting the file. That .dxf file will be imported ok with the next v4 beta, it has a fix for this problem.

- Michael
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 From:  WN
10000.9 In reply to 10000.5 
Hi Marky.
You can also use ai. Open a dxf with red dots, export it to ai, open or import ai.
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