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V5 beta Jul-30-2024 available now (St) [66 new] 2 Dec 
Moi V5 Beta UI Themes [2 new] 13:31 
Funny thing at the opposite of Moi ;) [3021 new] 13 Dec 
Polygon to Moi what are some best practices? [19 new] 12 Dec 
V4 Custom UI [3 new] 11 Dec 
ArcCAM [81 new] 11 Dec 
Inverted fillet? [9 new] 10 Dec 
如何调整工具图标的间距(How to adjust the spacing of tool icons) [3 new] 9 Dec 
How di I fix this? open curves [5 new] 3 Dec 
Upgrade to v5? [7 new] 2 Dec 
Nvil or Blender [40 new] 29 Nov 
Inconsistency in trim? [16 new] 29 Nov 
Creating a knife-edge bail for a pendant [9 new] 28 Nov 
Variable Width Line Offset Command - fatT Lines [51 new] 28 Nov 
Organically curved Ring bezel [13 new] 28 Nov 
Preset the color of dimensions [8 new] 27 Nov 
Asking for an addon (Could this addon be created?) [19 new] 26 Nov 
Boolean Difference won't work. [5 new] 23 Nov 
DXF related question [18 new] 22 Nov 
Moi3 to 4 upgrade [22 new] 21 Nov 
Incorrect volume calculation [6 new] 21 Nov 
Open edge problem with exported STL [3 new] 20 Nov 
mathematically exact helix with constant radius and progressive pitch [12 new] 19 Nov 
Scaling image based on 2 points? why my shortcuts always reset? [3 new] 18 Nov 
bent sheet metal 3D model for SendCutSend [19 new] 18 Nov 
How to find open curves quickly? and copy quickly [6 new] 17 Nov 
Bell AH-1 Cobra helicopter [1 new] 16 Nov 
Long time... [7 new] 15 Nov 
Previous view [13 new] 14 Nov 
4 Vertices [24 new] 11 Nov 
setting DimRadius to Diameter by default [3 new] 10 Nov 
Angle Numerical Entries Problem [15 new] 7 Nov 
Move or delete opening in area [3 new] 7 Nov 
Can't get scripts to appear on Mac. [4 new] 6 Nov 
cannot open a STEP file [5 new] 5 Nov 
how to determine angle between 2 planes [9 new] 5 Nov 
Fatlines quirk [10 new] 4 Nov 
UnwrapCurve plug-in [72 new] 31 Oct 
Symmetry operation [7 new] 31 Oct 
Boolean problems on planar surfaces [10 new] 31 Oct 
Knitting curve [3 new] 31 Oct 
Variable Pitch Helix script [15 new] 30 Oct 
V5: After copying, all objects in a layer were one object. [5 new] 30 Oct 
My latest 3d printable models with Moi3d [1 new] 30 Oct 
Modelling of Archimedean-Spiral type of Wind Turbine, in Moi [16 new] 30 Oct 
Further UI tweaking [3 new] 29 Oct 
v4 CustomUI [7 new] 28 Oct 
Auto Number Object Copys [23 new] 28 Oct 
Plugin Shader possible? [2 new] 26 Oct 
Grid showing with snap shot [12 new] 26 Oct 
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