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Full Version: Subd

From: Pwd
21 Mar 2020   [#1]
Hi all,

I'm trying to do this

from Pilou:

but I'm not able to find the commands involved in the flow of Pilou: he speaks of "SsPlit", but is this a MOI command? SubDivide also I can't find... I've searched in the command list but I can't find them...

Are there tutorials for very new guys explaining subd commands and workflow to use to begin?

Thanks a lot

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
21 Mar 2020   [#2] In reply to [#1]

Look at this post! ;) and this last new one for use and install them

All theses commands are new commands created by Max Smirnov ;)
Just put them inside the the moi commands folder

"Separate" is a native command : Edit / Separate
"Subdivide" is also a "plugin" command added: _subdiv_beta9

For call them make Shortcut as usual and write it's name in second column (the more practical )
or Press Tab then write _subdiv_beta9 or _Subdiv_Beta9 etc (any capitals but without space)

Ask any question if something is not clear! :)
As we are alas "confined" in France some free times alowed!
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
21 Mar 2020   [#3]
With 2 Shortcuts
mine are (but you can take anything you want ;)
P : Ssplit
K : _subdiv_beta9

Before the "all selection" for Ssplit you must preselect one face else that will not work!
as shown on the following video!

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
21 Mar 2020   [#4]
So sBridge for example
As I validated the previous Subdivide i obtain "round faces"
in normal way better to stay in "boxes" and no validate the SUbDivide before the fina result!

It's for that you can seen some rippings on top volume after the Psplit along edges
not yet a big deal but with more complex volumes that is more problematic
so don't make subdivide before the last result wanted!
here some successive SUbdivides on the final result for refine the object!

Of course infinite possibilities!

From: Pwd
21 Mar 2020   [#5] In reply to [#4]
Hey hey...
what a explanation!!!
One question hundreds of answers... thanks a lot, guy!

Now it's more clear!

Thanks a lot!

P.S.: how are you in France? How about factories there? Are they still open? Here in Italy we have several factories open (mine too) and offices as well