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Full Version: Community advice on the best way to create this shape...

20 Jul 2018   [#1]

I feel like I may have saved the worst for last on this project lol ha!

I am through most of the major modeling and have arrived at the handle bars... and Im stumped. I can create the shapes using lofts and sweeps but Im trying to avoid any seams where I would have to boolean those shapes together. I'm sure this is something easy for a few of you out there - unfortunately I'm just not connecting it.

Thank you for your help!

- Jordan

Image Attachments:
help.jpg  Screen_shot.png 

From: amur (STEFAN)
20 Jul 2018   [#2]

maybe where the parts meet trim away a bit at both parts and then do a blend.

Or use after boolean operations a large fillet.

20 Jul 2018   [#3] In reply to [#2]
Thanks Stefan - I will give that a try!
From: BurrMan
20 Jul 2018   [#4] In reply to [#3]
Your riser has tiny little fillets on it already so you are kindof boxing yourself in...

You could grab the profile in its current state and rebuild it and re extrude or whatever to get rid of the seems there.