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Full Version: Custom mouse/pen navigation

19 Jun 2018   [#1]
Is it possible to set up a custom navigation for the viewports? Something like 3dsmax navigation (MMB=pan, MMB+alt=rotate, MMB+alt+ctrl=zoom). I'm currently using an intuos pen and have the lower pen button set to MMB, its a little awkward to be constantly moving between both pen buttons for navigation.

From: immortalx
19 Jun 2018   [#2]
One possible workaround is to use X-mouse Button control

It's the most recommended utility for custom navigation/control re-assignment and works flawlessly.
From: Michael Gibson
19 Jun 2018   [#3] In reply to [#1]
Hi Fox,

> Is it possible to set up a custom navigation for the viewports? Something like
> 3dsmax navigation (MMB=pan, MMB+alt=rotate, MMB+alt+ctrl=zoom)

Plain MMB drag is already pan in the default setup. There are some options for changing navigation under Options > View > Rotate/Pan/Zoom options, and then some additional ones in moi.ini which can be edited by Options > General > "Edit .ini file" button.

There's a new option in MoI v4 in moi.ini for setting rotate how you want, that's under:


There isn't currently any option for doing zoom by MMB drag, I'll see about adding in an option for that for the next v4 beta though.

- Michael
20 Jun 2018   [#4]
I tried the x-mouse, unfortunately it doesn't work too well with modifier keys.

Thanks for adding in the additional mouse navigation. Maybe you can add a more robust setup for custom navigation. Looking forward to the next beta release :)
From: Michael Gibson
20 Jun 2018   [#5] In reply to [#4]
Hi Fox,

> Maybe you can add a more robust setup for custom navigation.

The problem with this is that MoI already supports quite a few different ways to do navigation for compatibility with a variety of other apps.

The "native" methods are:

RMB = Rotate
MMB = Pan
Scroll wheel = zoom

Then for compatibility it also supports:

Alt + Left drag = Rotate
Alt + Shift + Left drag = Pan
Alt + Ctrl + Left drag up and down = Zoom
Ctrl + Right drag up and down = Zoom
Alt + Right drag up and down = Zoom
Shift + Right drag = Pan

It would likely be pretty cumbersome to try and make a UI to manage all of that.

- Michael