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Full Version: Curve Explorer, MoI4 only

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From: bemfarmer
14 Feb 2018   [#13] In reply to [#12]
Thank you Marco.
- Brian
From: mkdm
14 Feb 2018   [#14] In reply to [#13]
You're welcome!
From: bemfarmer
22 Feb 2018   [#15]
Alert box with 6 curve values at each curve end.
It would be nice to have a persistent floating box?

I'll have to try for Normal and BiNormal, and torsion...

For a circular arc, 1/radius = "K" curvature. The curvature is the length of the displayed "position vector," = sqrt( x*x, y*y, z*z ).
4.9999999... ~= 5 :-)

Paul's online notes is helpful with reviewing the mathematics, and has pdf downloads.
Chrome web browser displays his site better than Internet Explorer does.

- Brian


From: Charlie (CHARLESRA)
26 Feb 2018   [#16] In reply to [#15]
Hi Brian,

Thank you so much for this tool, I am now downloading the MoI4 beta to use it.

I am an architect and have found it hard to find good curve tools on any program. I have used your Ionic Volute tool and that has hugely helped me.

I am copying the Parthenon and other Athenian buildings into MoI with dimensions from Stuart and Revett's 'Antiquities of Athens'. I believe this will help me with particularly hard curves, which I have drawn with theControl Point curve.

May I ask, are there any other scripts/tools for MoI, you know of, that may help me as an architect? I hope it is okay to ask, and I will keep searching the forums!

Many thanks for your help!

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
26 Feb 2018   [#17] In reply to [#16]
< <other scripts/tools for MoI, you know of, that may help me as an architect?

This ? (Here in French but of course is existing in English! :) (Press Original)

From: Charlie (CHARLESRA)
26 Feb 2018   [#18] In reply to [#17]
Yes! Thank you very much Pilou.
From: Charlie (CHARLESRA)
26 Feb 2018   [#19] In reply to [#15]
Here are some examples of curves from mouldings of the Parthenon that I have had trouble replicating (in particular the S Curve in the lower circle):

- Again many thanks for your help, as being able to draw these curves will help me immeasurably! -

P.S. I haven't been able to open Curve Explorer, could it have been because there is no .htm file in the recent ZIP?

Image Attachments:
MoI Curve Examples The Parthenon - Antiquities of Athens_Page_11.jpg 

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
26 Feb 2018   [#20]
Put the file result of unzip inside the commands folder of Moi
then call it by Press TAB and write _CurveExplorerVersion002 (capitals or not anywhere but without any space)
or make a shortcut with the same word in the second column ;)

Else for the Drawing

Disable Snap Grid, Snap Direct
Press CTRL when you want "Sharp" angle
Put 3 or 4 Controls Point on the same part of curve with same curvature and of course a point at the inflexion! ( direction change)
Make zoom when it's hard to draw a point
Try to have same space between points if possible

At the end you can move the points as you want, add or kill someones...

Speedy you see some points must bee moved at the end! :)

After some little moves seems perfect! :)

some similitude to this! :)

From: Charlie (CHARLESRA)
26 Feb 2018   [#21] In reply to [#20]
Thank you Pilou!

The curve explorer works, I thought it was a tool to draw curves and have now realised it is a tool to discover mathematical details of a curve. I am so sorry for any inconvenience.

Merci beaucoup, Through Points is a much better way to draw these curves than Control Points! I think I need to figure out how to upload a higher resolution image, as mine come out quite fuzzy.

I love Tintin! What a fabulous comic.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
26 Feb 2018   [#22] In reply to [#21]
<< Through Points is a much better way to draw these curves than Control Points!

It's always "Control Points" ! ;)

If you want "Control Points" on the curve itself Press Tab and write "Rebuild" and input number Points you want!
(depending of the nature of your curve)

If now you take a "Point" of this new "rebuild curve" and move it you see that is always a "Contol Point"! ;)

From: bemfarmer
26 Feb 2018   [#23] In reply to [#16]
Hi Charles,

Burr's script list is here:

- Brian
From: Charlie (CHARLESRA)
26 Feb 2018   [#24] In reply to [#22]
Thank you for your continued help Pilou, I am just figuring this program out! It is an incredible program.

From: Charlie (CHARLESRA)
26 Feb 2018   [#25] In reply to [#23]

Thank you for the link to command files, I wholeheartedly appreciate it.

From: bemfarmer
4 May 2020   [#26]
Just a quick minimal test:

By minor modification to Michael's orderCurves script, adding a section for crv.evaluateCurvature, and crv.evaluateDerivatives,
arrows were created for the Curvature Vector, and the second derivative vector at segment points.
The curvature vector is orthogonal to the tangent vector. (?)

The Curvature Vector "k" points towards the center of (invisible) osculating circle, from the parameter point "t". (The magnitude is probably "K". (?))

(As a mathematics side note, Note that (capital K) curvature "K" is a scalar. I've been reading up on vector functions. )

For the test clothoid, the k curvature vectors pointed in the same direction as the second derivative.

For test circle, test open circle-oid, and test ellipse, the k curvature vectors were directed several degrees differently than the second derivative arrows.

The second derivative arrows were much longer than the curvature vectors.

I'd like to do an update to curveExplorer with these vectors, with different colored arrows, but have no time now.
The user could select desired points. Several styles would be available. There would be a persist option checkbox...
There could be checkbox options for the desired vectors.

In the test script, the curvature and 2nd derivative arrow style color will be the same, and the same style as your current style selection.
Tangents are lime green.

- Brian

The attached file is a bare bones modification, alpha test version.


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