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Full Version: Simple export question

From: blindfoldjump
30 Dec 2017   [#1]
Hey fellas

Im trying to export a model from Moi into another package. Im having problems separating parts for different materials. I have done this before, however it was quite some time ago and I thought that if I only color-label them like the picture shows it would work.

Doesnt seem to work though, it comes in as one thing with no material-separation. Am I doing something wrong?


Image Attachments:

From: Michael Gibson
30 Dec 2017   [#2] In reply to [#1]
Hi Nick, currently materials are only written to OBJ and LWO formats, are you possibly using a different file format than that?

- Michael
From: blindfoldjump
30 Dec 2017   [#3] In reply to [#2]
Hey Michael
No Im using OBJ and exporting to C4D
From: Michael Gibson
30 Dec 2017   [#4] In reply to [#3]
Hi Nick, materials should come through to C4D using OBJ format.

Did you possibly disable the settings in MoI for "Write material assignments" or "Write .mtl file" ? Those are checkboxes under Options > Import/Export .

Is an .mtl file being created?

What about any import settings in C4D, have you checked there to make sure importing materials is not disabled there?

If you're using an older version of C4D I seem to remember that the built in OBJ importer wouldn't read in the material color but would get the material list and assignments ok.

- Michael
From: blindfoldjump
1 Jan 2018   [#5] In reply to [#4]
Im not sure what was wrong, but it worked when I pasted the same model into another file and then exported again.

Thanks for the help though Michael! As always :)