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Full Version: Nodebundle for playing with nodes

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Thread Split: Some posts in this thread have been moved here

From: speedy (AL2000)
28 Sep 2017   [#574]
Good Morning James ,
Cool result ........
Bravo , Your Macro work fine-
From: mkdm
28 Sep 2017   [#575] In reply to [#573]
Hi James.

Thanks a lot! This is a very useful node.

Very useful for replicating an object over a surface with the help of a bunch of Max's node.

From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
28 Sep 2017   [#576]
Hi James,
great work!

>>It is going to be very handy when we can share macros between projects
Today or tomorrow I'll release a new version with macros import-export support
From: James (JFH)
4 Oct 2017   [#577]
UPDATED: randomWrapNEW.nod attached
To run on new NE mod:

Hi All,

Here's an example for randomised pattern on a surface.
Macros certainly make node circuitry more elegant!
I can't wait to see what's Max's next great leap.


Image Attachments:

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4 Oct 2017   [#578] In reply to [#577]
Jelly-Fish nodes style! :)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4 Oct 2017   [#579]
I suppose that can be adapted!

From: mkdm
4 Oct 2017   [#580] In reply to [#577]
Hi James.

WOW! Amazing node!!

Thanks a lot.
From: speedy (AL2000)
4 Oct 2017   [#581]
Hi Friends
I did my first Macro, thinking of creating something he could
simplify drawing work ...
In this case, we can create a circle for two points and radius
I think it works, at least to me it works
files at this link:
Have a nice afternoon to all
From: speedy (AL2000)
6 Oct 2017   [#582]
Hi Friends
this is my second Macro, a bit more complicated than the other,
returns a three-point circle or arc ;
how many interested people find the file at the following link:
Have a nice weekend to all
From: mkdm
6 Oct 2017   [#583] In reply to [#582]
Hi AL2000.

Thanks a lot for sharing!

Very complex nodes but very interesting for learning.
From: Mindset (IGNITER)
6 Oct 2017   [#584] In reply to [#577]
Hello James,

Regarding your randomWrap7.nod
Your randomized pattern on a surface is both impressive and very interesting, particularly because it is seamless all the way around.
How might one create such a pattern on a plane and get the left and right matching to allow seamless tiling, at least laterally?

Suggestions welcome.
Many thanks,
-- MindSet
From: James (JFH)
6 Oct 2017   [#585] In reply to [#584]
Hello MindSet,

The pattern will inherently tile seamlessly regardless of orientation.
The only alteration to surfConvert macro necessary was to make polyline not closed.
At present this cannot be switched dynamically, otherwise I would build it into the macro.

See attached "randomWrapPlane.nod" file. I have shown 2 repeats of a 10x12 matrix, but you may change
to any combination.

RMB click of "Random" then select "Update" to refresh random pattern generation
to get desired result.

Have a great weekend

UPDATE: Mobius Wrap added: "randomWrapMobius.nod"

Image Attachments:

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
7 Oct 2017   [#586]

I want to share a draft or better a proof of concept for some new nodes. They work not stable, has bad performance and are critical to their parameters. So don't try to use it for creating something serious. I am at the beginning to understand the problem in detail. It's something for a boring rainy sunday.

A nice weekend to all


From: Barry-H
7 Oct 2017   [#587]
Hi All,
I'm experimenting with animating a mechanism using the quartz node as the cycle actuator (time line).
Can anybody tell me how to have various start points for different movements .
As an example Quartz set to start at 0 and end at 250 how can I trip a start of a movement at 50 and stop at 200.
Any ideas
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
7 Oct 2017   [#588] In reply to [#587]
Hello Barry,

start Quartz from 0 to 150 and add 50 with a math node? I don't really know what You want to do.

- Karsten
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
7 Oct 2017   [#589] In reply to [#587]
Or something like that, if you want to connect different arrays with values?


From: Barry-H
7 Oct 2017   [#590] In reply to [#588]
Hi. Karsten,
I'm using the quartz node instead of a slider to give my selections movement but as they do not all start at 0.
Some start moving at 0 and others maybe stationary till say 50 then move.
So if you think of the quartz node as a time line and it triggers movements at given points.
I was thinking an if/else node might be my answer ie: if (condition) {  block of code to be executed if the condition is true}
else { block of code to be executed if the condition is false}
Hope this clarifies what I'm trying to achieve.
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
7 Oct 2017   [#591] In reply to [#590]
Hello Barry,

have a closer look to the posted b.nod file or have a look to that one - you can do that with that;-) maybe you can also use the compare node.



From: James (JFH)
7 Oct 2017   [#592] In reply to [#586]
Hi Karsten,

formfinding node is very impressive. My dearest hope is that showers are forecast for tomorrow (your time) so that you may finesse the coding.At first, I had assumed that Moi was freezing when I tried you examples, but then when I finally saw the results, my heart leaped...truly truly inspiring stuff.
(I have dreamed the dreams of Frei Otto)

Great work!
From: Mike (MGG942)
7 Oct 2017   [#593]
I'm trying to build a nod using the circular array node.
It appears that the node requires the count input to be an integer.
Is it possible to convert the output of a Math node from floating point to integer?
I've tried using (Int) in the Math function field but that doesn't seem to work.
Is there another way?


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